Homer's Mug Shots

Here is the man of the house...Homer J. Simpson. Hope you like the photos I have collected....Let me know what ya think...thank you. (NEWEST PHOTOS @ TOP OF LIST)

Homer mad at Lisa
Homer holding up his underwear, commenting on how he hates to fold the sheets!
Homer yelling out the window @ Bart
Homer getting hit in the batting cage
Homer knocked out in the batting cage
Homer crossing his fingers (Did not graduate from school Episode)
Homer accidently cutting Marge's hair
Homer mad at the "Raven" (Halloween Special)
Homer sleeping on the chair in the haunted house
Homer's beer ad
Homer with a chainsaw (Halloween look)
Homer on the couch with a duff
The many moods of Homer
Homer the terriorist negotiator
Homer reaching up to you
The biography of Homer J.
Homer wrapped up in a blanket
Homer sippin' a duff
Homer just standing there
Homer drunk at Moe's tavern
How to draw Homer
Homer dancing in the rain
Nike advertisement
Homer in stone
Homer just walking (not animated)
Homer kicking the shit out of the candy machine
Homer eating marge's cake **PIG**
Homer the "doll"
Homer in his "MR PLOW" jacket
Homer drinking again
Homer looking smart
Homer twidlin' his thumbs
Homer checking his watch.....HE'S LATE!!
The evolution of Homer
Homer on a rubber dingy to hell
Homer in a devil costume
Dictionary definition of Homer
Homer's mug shot!
Homer's head(as seen below)
Homer with Marge's hair
Homer practising karate (whacking episode)
Homer driving a convertible
Homer screaming (Apu's point of view)
Homer eating again...and drooling
Homer cooking on the BBQ
What's the number for 911?? (912?)
Homer pointing to his butt!
Sad looking Homer (Head shot)

Bartholomew J Simpson
Animated/3-D Images



Page Updated: September 30, 1998
@ 1:25 A.M. EST