Trooper V. Ardanowski came to the General Hospital canvas a few months ago. And it only took me a few shows for me to realize (even if TIIC don't) that V could be the heroine that GH so desperately needs. A true heroine…one you could cheer for, cry with, laugh with, but mostly…respect.
V is quirky, smart, persistent, funny, opinionated, clumsy, beautiful, sincere, loyal and knows a good thing when she sees it. She says what's on her mind. She's observant. She knows when someone's hurting. She's intuitive. All in all…she's exactly the type of character that I can not only relate to, but care about.
So why isn't Lisa Cerasoli (who portrays V) on contract? Why isn't V being utilized in every story except to prop Brimbo and Jax up?
Hmmm….could it be that if TIIC were to utilize her, she would outshine Brimbo (who is an insult to the female gender…hell…she's an insult to humankind)?
Could it be that if TIIC did utilize her, she would show what a true heroine is? Afterall, they seem intent on shoving down a spoiled rotten, two-faced liar, skanky slut as a heroine. Well this viewer isn't buying it.
Or maybe it's just that TIIC deserve the name given to them…IDIOTS!!!
Some of my favorite Venus Things
I loved it when V dumped the water on Jax when they were stranded on the atoll. He deserved it. |
I'm probably the only one out there that loved this…but…I was dying laughing when she was a waittress and she sort of told off those rude customers. I knew exactly how she felt when they kept her waiting for them to order. |
I loved the way V helped out in Tiger Key. Unlike TNO who stood there looking helpless (her normal look), V actually kicked butt and helped out in the situation…another example of what a true heroine is like. |
I love the way V is able to look at a situation and know exactly what's going on….whether it be telling Jax that he's afraid to go home or telling the Slugster he's not a nice man. |
I loved the way she told Jax she wouldn't be used to get him through the fact that his ex was getting married. My respect for her, already high, soared. |
I love her clumsiness. Maybe it's because I'm so clumsy myself, but I just love that about her. It humanizes her. |
I love her chattiness. Once again, she reminds me of myself. She takes the long way around to say what's on her mind (nahhhh…do I do that???) |
Want to know more about Lisa Cerasoli?
Me too….do you know where I can find some info on her?
Want some Venus or Lisa pictures?
Any ideas on what I can put on this page??