A Day in the Life of a Cirran Bard

11. Am Bard Work

GC: This is going to hurt me much worse that it hurts you. ((chuckling inward at her little joke...damn I'm funny.))

MM: ((tears streaming down my checks, lower lip quivering)) Please Goddess, no. Anything, but not that. I swear I will be a good little bard from now on, but please, please. ((throwing myself at her feet))

GC: You have no one but yourself to blame. I am done playing around. ((snaps her fingers))

And magically, my state of the art laptop is replaced with a commodore 64. ((oh the humanity))

GC: Now get up, I have a little chore for you.

MM: ((lip still quivering, morning the loss of a dear friend...he had the cutest little cursor, and the mouse, shaped like Little Hercules...tearing up))

GC: Are you listening to me?

MM: ((nodding my head)) Yes Goddess.

GC: Ok then, I want you to scribe a thank you note to Erin.

Dear Erin,

GC: Make that Gal Pal.

MM: Gal Pal, Goddess?

GC: ((Blank Stare))

Dear Gal Pal,

GC: ok, do you think I can leave you by yourself for more than five minutes without you getting yourself into trouble, or shall I call in a bardsitter. ((bardsitter...inward chuckle...oh my Callisto, you are good))

MM: I think I can handle it. ((without sarcasm even))

GC: ((Vanishes))

MM: ((frown, staring into the blue screen))

I Begin typing:

All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard

GC: Hmmmm? Very interesting.

MM: ((DoH!)) I didn't know you were still here Goddess.

GC: Obviously. ((snaps her fingers))

The Commodore 64 disappears and is replaced by a feather and ink well.

GC: Keep up the good work.

MM: ((staring blankly at the feather))


MM: ((dunk the quill into the ink and begin writing))

All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard.
All work and no play makes Melissa a dull bard.

GC: Very good. ((vanishes))

I wonder how long the Goddess intends for me to keep this up?

Goto 12 PM

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