A Day in the Life of a Cirran Bard

9. Pm An emergency (of sorts)

HL: (blood curdling scream)

MM: (run to the kitchen, ready to hit speed dial for Trancer)

Hudson is standing in front of the refrigerator, pale and mouth agape. From the look of her one would think she were staring at a severed head or something, you know, if one lived in a city where that kind of thing were commonplace.

MM: What is it hudson? Another severed head? I told you never to open the fridge unattended.

HL: Worse than that.

MM: (gulp) worse?

HL: We are out of DR. Pepper.

MM: (blank stare)

HL: (hysterical laughter)

MM: (muttering) actresses.

(((ring ring)))

MM: (pick up the phone) Hello.

Matt: Hi. You are not going to believe what happened.

MM: Wh...

Matt: So I am walking through the mall right and who do I see?

MM: I don...

Matt: Hudson. Just sitting there, you know in the food court. Well I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

MM: Wh...

Matt: For a little revenge. So I grab some scissors, snuck up behind her and chop chop, no more long golden locks.

MM: (look up see Hudson with all her hair intact) When did you say this happened?

Matt: Just now. I am looking at her. She still hasn't noticed. She was pretty heavy into that pita. (chuckling to himself)

MM: uhm Matt. I have some bad news and some worse news, which would you like first?

Matt: Bad news I guess.

MM: Hudson is right in front of me. Are you ready for the worse news? Matt?

Matt: (whimper)

The phone went dead. (Hopefully that was the only thing.)

(((ring ring)))

MM: (pick up the phone) Matt?! You ok?

Trancer: Not Matt, just me. I need your help.

MM: My help? What could I pos...

Trancer: I can't figure out how to shut off that blasted music! It just keeps playing and playing...It's A Sunshine Day, Venus, Girl, Keep On....

MM: (dear Goddess, not the Brady Bunch Soundtrack again! The boy has no shame.)

Trancer: I'm telling you Melissa, I don't think I can take it anymore! And Goddess help me but, it seems to be coming from, uhm, uh...from his pants.

MM: It is.

It took Gene and two psychoanalysts 45 minutes to revive Trancer.

Disclaimers: No actual hair was chopped off during the creation of this post. Any cyber-hair that might have been removed may be easily restored. (In Cyberspace being a bard comes in rather handy at times).

Acknowledgments: Thanks to the wonderful folks in the Cirra Emergency Room, my twin is well on his way to recovery. Tho the same can not be said for his groovy pants.

Goto 10 PM

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