And Matt as The Band......
GC: (smacks Melissa) Watch your mouth.
MM: Hey! I didn't say it. Trancer did.
GC: (Smacks Melissa again) don't question me.
TR: (Inward smile)
MM: *that* is exactly why you are Labria. (sometimes being a bard has it's benefits) Anyway, Matt's not complaining about being the band.
All: (look at Matt)
two, three..." (insert 7th grade Marching Band style music)
GC: (smacks Melissa in the back of the head)
Jeff: Can we just get on with this?
To save the Goddess the trouble, Melissa simply hurls herself to the floor.
GC: Good girl.
or Die Leia!"
GC: Sweet Mother of Zeus! Not again.
MM: What do you mean not again, Goddess?
GC: Uhm....nothing.
MM: (arching an eyebrow)
(insert musical interlude)
GC: Ok enough of that!
I will get you Xena!
(blank Stare)
Goddess this is Star Wars,
not Ancient Greece.
It took Labria and
two fighter pilots 45 minutes to revive the Melissa.
GC: Stop being so melodramatic Pissant.
In an unprecedented act of heroism, the Jawa saved the day!
GC: Tell it like it really happened bard.
Due to circumstances
beyond her control and the inability of a certain Goddess to play fair,
the Jawa found herself trapped in a box.
Help me Trancer! You're my only hope.
GC: (blank stare)
MM: I mean, Help me Goddess! You're my only hope.
TR & GC:
Ya got that right.
will get you Leia, and your little bard too!
Oy! Some people
never learn. (That's not from Star Wars you Eidiot!)
Help me Trancer! You're my only hope.
Jeff: (looking
around) Hey! Where did everybody go?