Hello new and old friends. This page recently moved from my TVCity address to here because I needed more room. Friends of mine are taking care of the page for me while I am working on my original page. Take a look at the new pages I have added, and for those of you new to my page - take a look at some of the favorite pages I have been maintaining. Thanks for all the support. And please take a peak at my original Don Johnson Page if you didn't just come from there.

Keegan's Don Johnson Page

Thanks tons. Keegan.

Click on this pic to see

a great cast picture.


Miami Vice on the Web

Miami Vice Chronicles

This page has great pages and an FX schedule to help you get all the eps on tape.

Miami Vice Vices

Cool pics and great info

Miami Vice

This page has a Vice list so you can communicate with other Vice addicts.

Miami Vice Information

Before / While They Were Stars

This page lists actors who appeared on MV, either while their star was shinning bright, or before they made it big. See if you remember which show they were on.

Miami Vice versus Nash Bridges

This page shows how Miami Vice has influenced or crept into the newest Don Johnson TV show.

Miami Vice on your set

I have a basic list of episodes and I am putting together individual pages for each episode. Check out my ideas below and help me out wiht this page.

Miami Vice Cast Information

Miami Vice cast information coming soon.

Hello all you fellow Vicers. I have an idea about a page containing information on the different episodes based on the different characters perspectives. Like in "The Prodigal Son" Rico deals with an old girlfriend and Sonny deals with a romantic affair. Plus the basic story line. Problem is that I don't have the time to write up summaries for each show. Sooo -----

I need some help. Check those VCRs. Pick out your favorite shows and tell me why that show is special for a certain character. I'll add them as I get them. How does that sound??

I have already gotten a lot of responses for the MV vs. NB page so I hope everyone can help me with this page too. Thanks Keegan.

Please Sign My Guestbook!Take a Peek at My Guestbook!!


Help me out please.Email me and add to my pages. This notebook is begging to be filled.


Please Visit these pages if you are intrested in Don Johnson.

Keegan's Don Johnson Page and Keegan's Nash Bridges Page

This many people have visited - - Please come back and make it more.

Copyright 1997/1998/1999 Keegan Inc.

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