DAAS Merchandise- Things you can’t be without.

If you have the know-how there are a lot of DAAS products out. Bootleg copies also exist and it’s only a matter of asking the right person very nicely and you could get your hands on some of it…..


DAAS Dead & Alive +*
DAAS Live at the National Theatre +*
DAAS Kapital
The Big Gig
Stairway to Heaven

CD’s & Tapes

DAAS Icon +
DAAS Live at the National Theatre +
DAAS The Last Concert +*
DAAS Blue -not released to the public +


DAAS Kapital +
Book +
DAAS Songbook -released for the farewell concerts +

+ I have a copy
* Should be available from ABC or other stores (eg Brashes)

It would be illegal of me to say that I will copy any of these for those who are in desperate need of a DAAS fix BUT should you happen to e mail me and ask nicely and I happen to give you my address and in a few days a tape/video/money should arrive who’s to know?
But of course I must remind you again that it is illegal and very naughty.