Columbo, The Search For Balls

"Excuse me Miss. Did you take any balls?"
"Oh no, Lieutenant. I did not take any balls."
"I need to be sure Miss."
"It would mean death if I took any balls other than Shiek Leaky's"
"He must be very strict about balls."

"Pardon me Ma'am. Did you take any balls?"
"Columbo. Don't be silly. I can have my husband's balls at any time, if you know what I mean. Do you want a drink? I don't like to drink alone."
"No thank you Ma'am. I'm on duty."
"Well, just stand there while I drink."
"Smile Columbo."

"Hello Miss. Did you take any balls?"
"Lieutenant, I have money coming out of my...well, you know what I mean."
"Yes Miss. That's what I heard. You seem upset about something."
"All this money and I don't have any balls to call my own. No husband, no boyfriend, no balls."
"I'm sorry Miss."
"Lieutenant. Did you know that women do not have balls of their own?"
"Yes. I think everyone knows that Miss."


There have been searchers for balls.