After the End of the Mega Voyager/ Winger Era, we return to Earth for the next chapter of the Rangers. The Astro MegaShip had been turned into a museum, and Alpha 6 has remained with DECA. Earth is starting to explore the galaxy on Terra Ventura, a giant space ship/station. We meet 5 new Rangers in this Era.

Lost Galaxy Rangers
Lost Galaxy, Magna Defender
Click a link to see the Audio, Colors, Evil, and Zords for these Eras.

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Galaxy Colors

Color Name Allies
Red Leo Andros
Blue Kai TJ
Pink Kendrix, °Karone Cassie
Yellow Maya Ashley
Green Damon Carlos
Magna Defender Magna Defender -----
Magna Defender Mike -----

°In the Lost Galaxy era, Deviot brought back the Psycho Rangers, who had captured all but Leo and Mike. Andros rescued Leo. After retrieving his morpher, He, Leo, and Mike rescued the other Rangers. When Cassie, Carlos, Ashley, and TJ arrived on the scene; all 10 battled the Psychos. Mike went after some of Trachena's henchmen. Somehow, the Pink Psycho survived the destruction of the other Pychos. When Kendrix died destroying the Savage Sword, Karone became the Pink Ranger. Kendrix returned in the final episode.

When Kai and Leo spoke, in reverse, the Keonta spell from the Galaxy Book ; it reopened the portal out of the Lost Galaxy. Mike went to save the slaves from Captain Mutiny's clutches. While the other Rangers were getting the slaves freed, the portal started to shrink. Mike in Defender Torrozord, held the portal open long enough to get Terra Venture through safely. However, TorroZord and the Magna Defender's powers were destroyed.

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Galaxy Evil

Lost Galaxy
Sting Wingers
Captain Mutiny

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Galaxy Zords

Red Lion Galactabeast
Blue Gorrlla Galactabeast
Pink Wiid Cat Galactabeast
Yellow Wolf Galactabeast
Green Condor Galactabeast
Magna Defender TorroZord
Galactabeasts Centarus
Found by Strataforce
Deviot Zeinith Carrier

The Rhino, Shark and Pheniox were found by Deviot after they had lost their energy fighting in a battle. Deviot found them floating in space,
and rebuilt them into their current forms, but under his control. With the Ranger's help, they broke free of his control.

The Rangers had other vehicles in this Era. All five Rangers the Jet Jammers,