Andrea's Homepage

Updated 7/4/00

Welcome to my homepage everyone! I've finally gotten this page updated!

You're listening to Lucky by Britney Spears

This is my baby--and unfortunately, I wrecked it on June 29, right after having my senior pictures made. It was nothing too serious, and after two weeks in the body shop, I finally got it back.

I'm finally a senior this year!! After 13 years my sentence is almost over. Looking back, it wasn't that bad. I've had a lot of fun along with all the homework and tests. This year especially. Being student body president and co-editor of the yearbook has it's perks. (But what were the people who put those responsibilities into my hands thinking!?)

And here are a few useless tidbits: My favorite songs right now are Oops!...I Did It Again (the whole CD) by Britney Spears, I Wanna Be with You by Mandy Moore, Most Girls by Pink, and 808 by Blaque. For TV shows, I cannot miss ER or Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman (in reruns). And Passions is the best!

Wanna know more about me?

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