The Con (VR'98)


An HL Filk By Christy
(March 1998)
(Sung To The Tune Of "Graceland" By Paul Simon)

The Geocities addy was shining
like a beacon in the night
I am following the URL
from the adverts
to the homepage of the VR Con

I'm going to The Con
The Con
VR '98
I'm going to The Con
Newbies and geezers with cool sig lines
and we are going to The Con
My mode of transportation is nine months old
It is a simple WebTV unit
But I've reason to believe
That I will quickly be
at The Con

She comes back to tell me EG's in
And so there'll be more HL
But we'll all miss DMOTCM
And I'll be very grateful
Knowing Mac and friends live on in virtual reality
And I said I like Amanda
But can she really fill the part
That Connor and Duncan knew by heart;
The honor bound, angst filled hero?

Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to The Con
VR '98
I'm going to The Con
Newbies and geezers with cool sig lines
And we are going to The Con

And my traveling companions
Are Richie and empty beer bottles
I'm looking at ghosts and empties
But I've reason to believe
That I will quickly be
at The Con

There's a guy now in Vancouver
Who I read is skilled on the trampoline
And sometimes when I'm falling, flying
Or tumbling thru RL I say
This can't be what they mean
They mean we're bouncing into The Con
And I said I like Amanda
But can she really fill the part
That Connor and Duncan knew by heart;
The honor bound, angst filled hero?

To The Con, to The Con
I'm going to The Con
For reasons you'll all understand
There's some part of me wants to see
The Con
And I may be obliged to defend
My rather strange sense of humour
Or maybe it's too late for that now
But I've reason to believe
We all will be received
At The Con

Comments may be sent to: Christy

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