Jamie's Place

Hi! And welcome to my home. I will be your host Jamie-Lee Campbell. Please have a look around and make sure to sign my guestbook.

Meet me

My movie reviews

Beartown and Other CreaturesVille

My Cyber daughter

Some other pets I look after

Read my tribute to my Mum

Win My Award


Links to my favourite sites

Adopt a pet!

Can YOU Help?

It had to happen sometime...I have caught the beanie babie bug. There is a problem though, they arn't available in Australia! Thanks to a friend, I have Nuts the squirrel and Prance the grey cat. If you can help me (please try), email me and we can try and work something out.

Update 29/6/98

Thanks to so many wonderful people, my beanie collection has grown! I now have a Mel the Koala, and Floppity, Hippity and Hoppity the bunnies. Thank you so much Katie and Cindy.

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This page was created and is maintained by Jamie Campbell all complaints/compliments/whinges can be sent to her. Beanie Babies are copyright Ty. If any copyright fringements were ignored, just let me know and I'll do something about it. But, above all, just enjoy it! .