The Spellbound Sabrina Site Quotes

Harvey: Why do you need colege? Let's stick to our plan, after graduation we load up my bus and travel the country following the music.

Sabrina: That's not a plan, that's a bad vacation. What about my future? My Career?

Harvey: You don't need a career, your my lady. We''l grow our own food, you'll have my children and someday if it's not too much of a hassle, I might even marry you.

Sabrina: I'm sorry, I stopped listening after "My lady".

Salem: What Time Ball?

Sabrina: The one I left of my desk

Salem: Ooops. I mean what time ball?

Sabrina: Unless you want a grat-nephew born in the back of a van named Moonbeam, Grab him!

Sabrina: What are we going to do? If we can't find the time ball then we can't reverse the effects and we'll ne stuck in the 60's forever!

Zelda: Mellow out, the only thing that is forever is our love for you.

Hilda: Very heavy.

Sabrina: Very Creepy.

Harvey: Guess What? I just bought a 63 VW Bus!

Sabrina: That's a good thing???

Sabrina: Hey guyz, don't worry about finding the time ball, I'm having a blast. We don't have to go to class, everyone hates Libby and aside from the fact that a few people smell, this era rocks!

Sabrina: You know what? I think I have to meet Harvey. But maybe we can burn out underwear together later?

Sabrina: Where's my lunch?

Salem: not half-eaten and hidden in the draw behind me, thats for sure!

Teacher: I would like to say Good Morning, but I work in a public high school, there is no good mornings.

Valerie: Vanilla again?!?, when will they change yoghurt flavours at this school?

Harvey: One day last year they changed it to pistachio.

Sabrina: No, we thought it was pistachio but it turned out that it just needed cleaning!

Female Teacher: this is the young lady I was telling you about. My star algebra pupil, Sabrina Spellman.

Sabrina: Ha, your cheques in the mail.

Femate Teacher: Oh, uh, hahahahaha

Salem: We're having corn for dinner? I would rather get locked in the dishwasher again, Sabrina, My Love...

Sabrina: No! I know you ate my Lipbalm!

Hilda: General Heinrich Von Shaun, what a loser he was!

Sabrina: You knew him?

Hilda: Oh yeah. I dated him. He could take over a country but couldn't pick up a cheque!

Sabrina: Time for another check on my magic?

Quizmaster (talking on the phone): Yeah. I'm trying to get my landlord.

Sabrina: You have a landlord?!?

Quizmaster: Yeah, what you thought I lived in a magic lamp?

Sabrina: Actually I did!

Sabrina: 60's here I come!

Sabrina: How sad is this? (pulling Salem out of refrigerator)

Salem: Darn canned Chilli. Here's mu christmas list...can opener.

Hilda: But you wouldn't be able to *use* a can opener. hit you with.

Salem: Hey, what does a cat have to do around here to get something dead?

Zelda: Salem, you have had enough already.

Hilda: No offence but your turning into a furry blimp!

Salem: Besides today I've only had 10 of the 12 food groups.

Sabrina: Whats left? Chocolate and Lard?

Salem: Let me just lick the jam off your knife

Sabrina: Oh find some self-respect

Sabrina: What is she talking about?

Hilda: Landlovers! The classic bell bottom ants that I wore at the San Fransisco bee in the Age of Aquarius!

Sabrina: Again, what is she talking about?

Zelda: The 60's

Sabrina: Oh right, the summer of peace, love and no bathing.