Tomorow Mourning #5

By Jeff Harris"

Angel supposed that it could be worse. He and Alex were surrounded by a group of four vampires. finding vampires was not surprising, in fact it was what the both of them had wanted. But four was a little much. Alex seemed unconcerned with their situation.

"Remember last night?" He asked Angel while he put on a pair of dark glasses.

Getting his point Angel closed his eyes. Even though tightly shut lids Angel could see the bright light. Angel had to wonder what Alex used, it had a hiss like a flare. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the other vampires were blinded, just as he had been the night before. Being nocturnal creatures the brightness of the light had been too much for their eyes to handle, but they would recover quickly. Alex wasted no time staking one of them right away.

"Take out that one." He told Angel, indicating another vampire. "Than grab one of the others. Two should be enough."

Although staking another vampire was not something he generally liked to do, Angel complied. After that he grabbed and easily overpowered one of the remaining two. Alex had managed to knock down the last one and was now standing over the fallen vampire.

"All right you undead bastard!" Alex yelled at the helpless vampire. "I have questions, and you'd better damn well have answers!"

(I can't believe that Xander is going to turn into this guy.) Thought Angel (I would never have believed he could be like this.)

"Where the hell is Spike?" Demanded Alex, pressing his right palm into the vampire's forehead, smoke coming out from underneath.

"I can't tell you what I don't know!" Screamed the agonized vampire.

"Liar!" Bellowed Alex. "Tell me where he is!"

"He can't " Called Angel's captive. "Spike doesn't hang with us. He's been condemned for slaying the Annointed One. No one has seen him in weeks."

Alex got up and advanced on the second vampire, leaving his victim on the ground, writhing in pain.

"Are you telling me there are two factions of vampires in town?" Alex asked, his voice barely under control due to his rage.

"Y-yes." said the vampire.

A stake suddenly slipped into Alex's hand from his sleeve. Without warning he plunged it into the vampire's chest.

"Then I guess we won't need you." He said as the vampire turned to dust.

Angel was dumb struck. He had seen vampires be less vicious than Alex had. Alex went over to the last of the vampires. He didn't say anything, he just plunged the stake into it. Angel felt a chill go up his spine when Alex turned his gaze on him. Alex walked towards him and then past him.

"Come on, we have a few more hours before sunrise. Maybe we can find a bloodsucker who knows something useful." Alex said as he passed.

Angel followed him, not sure what to think.


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