There are 2 questions ahead of you, thank you for waiting. Online Tech Support: Welcome to Online Tech Support, Michael Wiles! Your Cox Representative will join you momentarily. Online Tech Support: Your Cox Representative, Agent 6, has arrived. Agent 6: Welcome to Cox High Speed Internet Online Support. Agent 6: Hello. My name is Clayton, and I understand you are having some performance issues. Agent 6: What happens when you try to load the pages you're having issues with? Michael Wiles: well, actually, that problem seems to be pretty much fine now Agent 6: How often does this issue occur? Michael Wiles: at least it hasn't happened in the last few days Michael Wiles: well, when it was happening, it would happen everytime I tried to access certain pages Michael Wiles: like yahoo mail Michael Wiles: but now I can get into it fine Michael Wiles: the big problem is the spiking in the game Agent 6: We will be unable to provide assistance on this issue, unless it is occuring. This way we can see what is causing it, and determine if it is something on our end or not. Michael Wiles: because that happens now everytime I play Agent 6: Please be aware that we do not provide support for third party programs, and if you are having this difficulty with a game (third party program), I would have to first direct you to the manufacturer of the game to confirm if the problem is on their side. Michael Wiles: I see Agent 6: Is there anything else I can help you with today? Michael Wiles: that about covered it... Agent 6: If you would like to save this chat session, just click on the file menu on the Chat box and select SAVE CHAT. You can then open the file and read or print your chat dialogue. Agent 6: After saving your chat session, you can click File at the top of this chat box and click exit, to leave the chat program. Agent 6: Thank you for choosing Cox High Speed Internet!