Chapter 22 Robin and AJ arrive at Duke's club for the meeting with the union leaders. AJ was acting very protective toward Robin. He was very concerned about what would happen. Angel comes up to Robin. He gives Robin a hug. Robin: How are you and Mary? Angel: We are doing great. They are waiting for you Robin. Are you sure about this Robin? Robin: I am. Angel: All right, good luck Robin. Robin and AJ head in to the meeting area. The union president and other people notice Robin and come up to her. President: Hello Robin. We are here as you asked us. Why is Quartermaine here? Robin: I want you to hear him. President: There is nothing he can say that would cause us to betray Morgan. I can't believe that you would do this, Duke must be turning in his grave. Robin: Uncle Duke fought for this union. He would not use the workers to keep a baby from his father. President: What? Robin: AJ. AJ: I am the father of Michael Morgan not Jason. Jason wants me to say that I am not the father and give up all rights. President: Jason wouldn't do that. AJ: I have a tape of Jason. AJ plays the tape. The tape is of Jason making the demand that AJ give up Michael. The union president listens and reacts.