Chapter 12 Nikolas was in Robin's room when she awoke from her coma. Nikolas was happy when she looked at him. HE was hurt when she called him Stone. The pain he felt turned into shock when he heard a beeping noise and saw a flat line. He screamed Robin's name as Bobbie and the other medical people rushed into the room and pushed Nikolas out of the room while they worked on Robin. Nikolas stayed outside the room for a half-hour. While waiting he was praying that Robin would be fine. After a long wait he saw the door open. What he saw was the most painful thing he had ever seen in his life. Nikolas saw the door open and a stretcher come out with a body of a person covered in a sheet. Nikolas screamed and Bobbie came up to him and gave him a hug. Bobbie: I am so sorry Nikolas. We worked on her for a half-hour. But we were unable to restart her heart and breathing. Robin's wound was too great. Nikolas was in tears. He looked at Bobbie and spoke in a breaking voice. Nikolas: What happens to her now? Bobbie: Robin is being taken to the morgue. There will be an autopsy done on her. Nikolas: NO! She is not a piece of meat. She doesn't deserve to be cut open. Bobbie: I know. But Robin was… I can't say it. She was close to me to. But it is the law. I know that you were close to her Nikolas. Nikolas heads to the morgue and sits down next to Robin's body. Nikolas: I am so sorry Robin. I should have told you the truth before. Maybe if you knew that I loved you then you wouldn't have been with Morgan. And then you would still be alive. I give you my word that I will find out who did this to you. And that person will pay. At that moment Nikolas turns around and notices Chris Ramsey come into the room. Chris: Your not allowed to be here. This place is for staff people only. Nikolas: I am Nikolas Cassadine. My Uncle is C.E.O of this hospital. Chris: You are not a doctor or a morgue worker. That means that you have to leave. Either you leave or I will call security. Nikolas realizes that he has no choice. He leaves the morgue. Meanwhile Mac is at the P.C.P.D. He is meeting with V and Garcia. They are about to go over the facts of the case when Mac gets a call. V and Garcia notice that Mac gets very upset over the news. Mac then hangs up the phone and begins to leave. Just before he leaves he turns to V who is running he case. Mac: (In a very low and sad voice.) I have to go. V you are in charge of this Murder case. Mac then leaves as V and Garcia realize that Robin is dead.