Chapter Fourteen Laura ran down the hall, trying to escape what she had done. All she could see was Lucky being strapped to his bed and his cries of pain ringing in her head. Laura turned the corner and ran right into Gail Baldwin. “I’m sorry,” Laura said getting up and starting down the hall. Gail reached out and stopped her, “Laura, what’s wrong?” “I don’t know. I just know I have to get away,” Laura said and tried to walk on but Gail stopped her. “No. Let’s go to my office and we will talk,” Gail said, gently guiding Laura to her office. When Gail and Laura entered her office, Gail poured her a glass of water and said, “here drink this and tell me what is wrong?” Laura took a few sips of water and said, “I don’t know. Gail, what kind of mother am I?” “You're a good mother. Why would think other wise?” Gail asked. “I just told my fifteen year old son that his friends were killed. He almost hurt himself. I know better than to talk about that but when I saw him, I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Gail, I could have killed him,” Laura started to cry the tears falling down her face. “Laura, look at me!” Gail demanded, as she moved closer to her. “What was going through your mind as you walked into Lucky’s room?” Gail asked. “I was scared. I was afraid he would hate me because everything that happened between us. I was so grateful he was alive and that I didn’t lose him. I just started talking to him and I couldn’t stop. I didn’t realize what I said until it was too late. How could I do that to him? He was my baby and for months now, I have been pushing him away. Why? Why can’t I love him and Nikolas at the same time?” Laura started to cry even more and couldn’t stop. Gail sat down beside her and held her close. After Laura got a hold of herself, Gail slowly began to speak. “Laura, you need help and if you let me, I’ll help you. Together we will go over everything that has happened to you and find what is going on. Stay here and rest for a few moments. We will talk when I get back,” Gail said, as Laura lay down on the couch and closed her eyes. Gail canceled all her appointments and then called Leslie to tell her about Laura and where to pick her up. A half an hour later, Gail went back into her office and sat down in the chair beside the couch. “Laura are you better now?” Gail asked, as she sat down. “Much. I’m sorry, Gail. I don’t mean to cause you so much trouble,” Laura said and started to get up to leave. “Laura, I meant what I said. You need help and I’m willing to help but you have to be willing to help yourself. I can’t do it without you,” Gail said. “I don’t know, Gail. I know there is something wrong, but I don’t know where to start,” Laura said. “How about you and Lucky? You said that a lot has happened between you two. What has been going on?” Gail asked. “I didn’t fight for custody of him. I was so afraid to deal with him that I just let things stay the way they were between us. I know now it was wrong but it’s too late. Lucky hates me and I don’t blame him. I abandoned both my sons and I don’t know why. When I was with Luke, Nikolas was out of the picture but now that Luke is gone, Nikolas and I are rebuilding our relationship, while Lucky and I don't talk anymore,” Laura told her. “Laura, explain the Cassadine/Spencer war to me,” Gail asked. “How do I explain something that I don’t understand myself?” Laura said. “Luke hates all Cassadines and he has good reason to but Nikolas is my son as well. I don’t know why Luke is so mad at me. He never told me. I kept asking during the divorce, but not once did he speak to me. I didn’t want the divorce and I still love him. I know that sounds strange to you but I can’t help how I feel.” Gail looked at Laura and said, “We can’t choose who we love or if they love us back. Laura, maybe it is time to let him go because from what I heard, he doesn't love you back.” “Yes, he does but I hurt Lucky and that is unforgivable for Luke,” Laura said. “Lucky? What does he have to do with this?” Gail asked her. “Everything and nothing. It started with something I don’t know about, but when I hurt Lucky, Luke got madder and started closing the doors that I could have opened. I know my husband and he is a very stubborn man. He loves few things in this world unconditionally and Lucky is one of them,” Laura said. “What about you and Luke’s love for each other?” Gail asked. “In away it had its conditions. Gail, Luke and I filled in the missing pieces of each other. I never felt so safe with anyone than I did with Luke. I knew he would protect me with his life. He also loved me with all his heart and never held anything back. For him, it is all or nothing. I was Luke’s conscience to the world and showed him that people are good and how to forgive them. He was shown the dark side of life and I showed him the other side. When I hurt Lucky, to Luke that was going after him as well. I might have lost both Luke and Lucky,” Laura said sitting there with tears running down her cheeks. Gail wanted to get into Luke and Laura more but she put the other questions aside for later. “Laura, you told me what Luke felt about the Cassadines but how do you feel about them?” “Stavros, Helena, and the dead ones; I hate with all my heart. Stefan, I don’t know how I feel about him any more. Did he use me to get back at his brother or did he really love me? He is Nikolas' father but that is it. I want friendship with him because of Nikolas but if I want Luke and Lucky, I can’t have any relationship with them. Nikolas, I don’t know him but I’m trying and hopefully we are getting closer. I regret leaving him and wish I would have told the truth sooner but I was so scared of Helena. I knew she would have killed Luke and anyone that I loved if I would even tried. She made it look like my mother was killed and the only reason she is alive is because of Stefan. Helena is evil and doesn’t love anyone or anything. She only loves power and the feeling she gets when she hurts others,” Laura explained. “Gail, I have say this now or I might never admit this at all. I think I know why I have trouble loving Lucky and Nikolas at the same time, because deep down, I don’t know who belongs to whom.” Laura looked at her with a deep sadness in her eyes. “What are you talking about? Stefan is Nikolas father and Lucky is Luke’s son, right?” Gail asked getting very confused. “I don’t know. Gail, I slept with three men with only a few weeks apart during the time they were conceived. I don’t know who their fathers are. I have always had an erratic menstrual cycle and sometimes I go months without having one. I was lucky to get pregnant one time let alone three. It all started on the island and the doctor’s I have seen say it is because of stress. So, I don’t know who Nikolas and Lucky’s fathers are,” Laura said. “Stefan takes for granted that Nikolas is his and Luke does the same for Lucky. They could be wrong and that could make matters worse if they are,” Gail said. “Much worse. Who is the real Cassadine heir and who is a Spencer? I don’t know and I don’t want to find out. This war is bad enough without adding my fears to this,” Laura said. “I see your problem but don’t you think keeping this a secret will just make matters worse?” Gail said. “No. I will not let this come to light. Helena could do too much damage with this information,” Laura said. “You are afraid of her?” Gail asked. “Yes. I know first hand how evil she can be,” Laura said. “I lived with her running my life for two years and I know how she operates. She would do anything for money and revenge against the Spencers.” “She can’t be as bad as you say,” Gail said. “She is worse. Helena Cassadine is evil herself. She used to force me to sit for hours in a chair for some indiscretion against the family. I had to listen to her preach to me on how I destroyed her family and how much good Mikkos could have done for the world if we would have let him. She never showed anyone any kind of love except her son Stavros. The only reason she even showed him any was because he was the heir to the Cassadine throne of power. He would have been left out in the cold if it wasn’t for that one fact,” Laura said. “So, Helena ran things on the island. If she hated you so much why did she let you live after Nikolas was born?” Gail asked. “I don’t know. Out of everything that I know about Helena that one fact still bothers me. She hated me so much because Luke killed Mikkos but when it came to getting her revenge, she let me live.” Laura said shaking her head. “I think we have talked enough for today. We will pick up here Monday,” Gail said, hoping Laura would come back. “Yes, Monday is fine. What time?” Laura asked. “About five o’clock? I know you work until four thirty in the records room,” Gail said. “I will be here and thanks Gail,” Laura said getting up and walking out of the office. She found her mother waiting for her. Leslie smiled at Gail and the two of them headed home. Gail went back into her office to start a file on Laura Spencer. She noted that Laura was a very disturbed women, whose past life has caught up with her. She isn’t capable of knowing the damage her life has caused her. I fear that she is close to a break down and hopefully our sessions will help stop this. The things we must deal with is her life with Luke, the Cassadines, and her children. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sonny was walking down the hall just as Laura and Leslie left Gail’s office. He was walking the floors to give Luke more time alone with his son and he also was trying to think on how to help Luke out with this mess. Sonny saw Laura and Leslie leave Gail’s office and head to the elevator. He wondered if she had decided to get help and if so, he figured it was about time and he also realized what this information could do for Luke’s case and decide to monitor the situation. Sonny looked at his watch and decided to head up to see how Luke and Lucky were doing. Sonny went up to the next floor and found an old friend in the elevator. “Tammy, I haven't seen you around in awhile. What brings you to GH?” Sonny asked. “I have a friend who ran into a sick John. He worked her over really good and almost killed her,” Tammy said. Sonny’s blood started to boil. He looked at her and said, “Tammy, I’ll send one of my men to her room and I’ll deal this man. What room is she in?” “258. Thanks Sonny. I’m glad Port Charles is in your hands. You know how to run a clean operation and everyone can make money this way. You need anything just tell me,” Tammy said. “I think you can help me. I have a friend who needs a little distraction. He and his wife had just divorced and his son was almost killed a few days ago. Could you be free for one night?” Sonny asked a plan starting to from in his head. “For you, anything.” Tammy said giving him a kiss and the elevator door opened and she stepped out. “Tell me when and where.” Sonny smiled to himself as the door closed. “If Tammy doesn't loosen him up nothing will.” Sonny thought to himself.