Chapter Fifteen The next day was Sarah’s funeral. The church was packed with friends and family of the Webber’s. Nikolas sat in silence as the priest talked about Sarah and all the good she had done in her brief life. The guilt of being alive ate at him. He couldn’t get over the words that he said to her the last time he saw her alive. **** “Nikolas, what about us?” Sarah had yelled. “Sarah, the ‘us’ that could have been was destroyed by you,” Nikolas had yelled at her. “You're breaking up with me because of what I said to your so called brother? Lucky needs to be taken down a few pegs. He walks around school as if he owns it. I just put him in his place,” Sarah yelled at him. “Put him in his place? I swear Grandmother is blind to say that you're not Cassadine material. You would fit in with that bunch very nicely. Sarah, Lucky isn’t your problem but mine. I might not get along with him but what you have doing to him for the past few months is uncalled for. I am going for a walk and then I’ll take you home,” Nikolas had slammed the door and went to walk around the lake. **************** “I’m sorry, Sarah. I never wanted you dead,” Nikolas had said, as tears started to fall. Laura wrapped an arm around him and tried to comfort him. Luke sat in the back and glared at them with hate filled eyes. Lizzie turned her head and saw the scene as well. She secretly wished that Laura would show some of her love toward Lucky. She had heard what Laura had done the day before and Lizzie wanted to tell her off. Steven knew his sister's thoughts because she had gone off when she was told of Laura's actions. He wrapped his arm around her and said, “Let it go. This isn’t your fight. We came to say good bye to our sister not get involved in a family struggle.” “I'll be good,” Lizzie promised and turned her attention back to the funeral. Lizzie sat as everyone cried around her. She had tired to cry but she just couldn’t shed one tear for her sister. Lizzie missed Sarah and part of her always would it was impossible for her to cry. Lizzie didn’t know why and she has been trying to figure it out since she died. She cried for the others and almost losing Lucky but not for her sister. Lizzie felt more for Lucky than her own sister. After the funeral when everyone was headed to the graveyard, Lizzie walked behind the coffin and watched as her mother had to be pulled to her feet by her brother and father. “Did they wish it was me? Am I so cold and heartless that I don’t feel anything for my sister? God what is wrong with me?” All these questions and more ran through her head. She didn’t have the answer to any of them. Sarah was going to be placed a few feet away from her grandfather and everyone stood in silence as the finally good-byes were said. Lizzie had moved back to give Audrey more room. Luke moved behind her and said, “Lucky told me to tell you it was all right to cry. You can love your sister and him too.” Lizzie looked up at him and suddenly the tears started to fall. He wrapped his arms around her to hold her up. Rick saw her break down and moved in to take over for Luke, who was standing there a little taken back by it all. Rick took Lizzie out of Luke’s arms and held her close. Jeff had watched all of this and felt more guilty about not being able to help his daughter. When it was time to leave, the people started back to their cars. Luke was just about to climb into his car when Laura walked up. “I just thought I would tell you that I didn’t mean to tell Lucky about his friends the way I did,” Laura said trying to be nice. “You want to kill him, don’t you? Is that what your saying to me? Well Laura, your not going to get to. I’m making sure you never get near my son again,” Luke said coldly slamming the car door, then faced his ex wife. “Your son? He is our son. This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn't been so stubborn. I made a mistake letting Lucky chose when and where he was going to see me. Luke, I’m going to take you back to court and make sure Lucky is out of your life forever,” Laura yelled. Everyone stood around as the two of them went at it. They were in shock at the lengths the two of them would go to get back at each other. “I’m not the problem, Laura. You are! I have spent the last few months trying to keep him believing in you but you just kept undermining me. I said you loved him but what you did yesterday proved me wrong. I bet you never loved him at all. What was it all pity or were we just a part of some sick game you and Stefan been playing all these years,” Luke yelled his temper getting the best of him. Sonny had heard enough and moved in to stop this before it went to far. “Luke, not here!” Sonny said pulling his friend back. “No. Here and now. I’m tired of it all. Laura, you try and take me to court. I will walk away with Lucky and Lulu and you’ll never see them again. I promise you that, baby. No matter what the judge says. You know what I am talking about and that I can do it.” “I’m their mother and no court will give custody of two minor children to a hot head like you and if you take them on the run, I’ll find you and make sure they put you in a cell for a very long time,” Laura said. “Stop it!” Lizzie yelled moving between them, “I have had it. I just buried my sister and you two are acting like children. This isn’t the time or the place to do this but if you want to hear the truth, So be it! Lucky is falling apart and the only thing either of you care about is who gets him. Stop thinking of yourselves and think of him for once,” Lizzie yelled at both of them and then turned on Laura, “Lucky loves his father and feels safe with him. He should at least be able to chose that much in his life. Mrs. Spencer, if you would have confronted Lucky sooner then he might not hate you so much, but now he can’t stand the sight of you. I have been listening to him for months about you two. I bet you all don’t even know he has been getting drunk just about every night before this accident happened. For months now,” Lizzie turned to Luke and said, “You want to know why? He wants the pain to stop. He is filling the hole you two left in his heart with alcohol. Chris and him got drunk down by the docks all the time. Lucky would have stopped caring about everything if it wasn’t for me and a few good friends, who have been trying to keep him going. You both are so wrapped up in your own world you son stopped existing. He is in pain and needs help. I know what it is like to lose someone you love and not know what you have until they are gone. Take it from me it isn’t a nice feeling.” Lizzie was sick of looking at them and stormed off. Rick and Leslie smiled at the girl as she walked passed them and everyone would have cheered her on if they were somewhere else but a graveyard. “You knew he was drinking?” Laura said because she noticed that the information wasn’t news to Luke. “You didn’t hear her did you? Laura, I’m not going fight any more with you. Lucky is going to decide if you are in his life or not. I’m going show my son that I love him and I would die for him. I don’t how but I’m going to try. You can do what you want,” Luke said and got into the car and drove away. Leslie and Rick walked up to her. Leslie put her arm on her daughter and said, “Come on, let's go home.” “Mother, I want to know what you think?” Laura asked looking at her mother for support. “No, you don’t. I’m with Luke on this one. Actually, I’m on Lucky’s side. I heard what they had to do to him when you told him about his friends. He ripped open his stitches and could have really done a lot of damage to himself. You should have known better, Laura. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but I’m glad you're talking to Gail because something has to change,” Leslie said. “You too? After what I have done for you? I left my husband to take care of you and none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you,” Laura yelled grabbing her mothers arm. “Stop, right now!” Rick said moving between Laura and her mother pulling them apart, “You are to blame for this mess in your life. Not Luke, Leslie or Lucky. So grow up and take responsibility for your actions. You're the one that lied to your husband and you're the one that didn’t fight for you son.” “Who do you think you are?” Laura demanded going right in his face. “I’m your son’s doctor and I will promise you this. You will not see him as long as he is in my care. He has been through enough and doesn't need you to do any more damage,” Rick said to Laura and then turned to Leslie, “You want to come with me or you daughter?” “I’ll go with you. Sorry, Laura. You are on your own this time,” Leslie said and they walked away. Laura looked around and noticed everyone that stood around and watched had turned their backs on her. Nikolas was the only one who hadn’t. He didn’t know what to do and just stood there frozen, “Nikolas, do you want to come home with me?” Laura asked him. “Ok,” Nikolas said and they headed back to her new apartment that she just rented. He would have walked away to but his sister was still living with her. ~~~~~~~~~~ Luke was driving to the hospital to see Lucky but his mind wouldn’t let Lizzie’s words go. He had to find out more about his own kid and Lizzie was the only person who could give him those answers. Luke stopped in front of the Webber house and found Lizzie sitting in the back yard absentmindedly petting Gatsby. Luke walked up to Lizzie and asked, “Can I sit down?” “Sure, Mr. Spencer. What’s wrong with Lucky?” Lizzie asked getting worried by the look on his face. “I was hoping you could tell me. Lizzie, I’m sorry about what happened a little while ago. I’m not here to talk about Laura but I have to know about Lucky. How messed up is my son?” Luke asked her as he sat down. “You really don’t know? Are you blind or just in denial?” Lizzie asked him. “A little of both, I know about him selling alcohol to his friends and some of his drinking but you made it sound much worse. He talked to you more in the last few months then he has me. So, please tell me what is bothering him, so I can help him,” Luke begged. “I don’t know all of his reasons because he doesn't tell me everything. We exchange stories and that is how I know about of some of this. He is hurting because the two people he always depended on are gone. I know you're not but that’s how he feels. I know what it’s like to walk into a room and not be noticed by your own family. The differences with you and Lucky is you hide in the club and let him lead his own life. Lucky needed you and you weren't’ around. He is too proud to ask for help because he is trying to deal with this like you would,” Lizzie said as tears fell from her eyes. “I’m so blind. Lucky isn’t drinking because he wants to, but because that is how I deal with things. Thanks, Liz. I promise things are going to change and some how I’m going to get him to open up to me. You know as a parent, I can tell you this. We aren’t perfect and sometimes we miss what is right under our noses. I did with Lucky and if he would have come to me, we could have worked this out before it got this far. Go talk to them. You'd be surprised what you might find out,” Luke said. “I don’t know if I can,” Lizzie said. “How about I come to you?” Jeff said as he joined to two of them. Luke took this as his cue to leave and went to deal with his own kid, “Lizzie, tell me the truth. How do you really feel?” Jeff asked her as he sat down beside her. “You really want to know?” she asked him. “Yes. I want to know,” Jeff said. “I feel you wish it was me that died and not Sarah,” Lizzie said flatly. “Lizzie that isn’t true. I love you as much as I loved your sister,” Jeff said looking at his daughter in shock. “You sure have a hell of a way of showing it. Not once in my whole life did you ever say anything to me when I did something right. It was only when I messed up you noticed me. Dad, I’m so sick of hearing 'Lizzie, stop that. You're making too much noise.' 'Lizzie, why can’t you be more like your sister?' I’m not Sarah and I never could be. She wasn’t as perfect as you and mom think. She was self centered and vain. She used your love for her against me. When my grades went up this year, you said to me on the phone “You see, you had in you all the time.” I worked my but off and not one good job Lizzie. I got those grades because of Lucky. He never let me think I wasn’t bright enough. He helped me every step of the way. You sent Sarah that stupid laptop to show how happy you were she got excepted to Yale. I got nothing for going from C student to an A student. I would have been happy with a kind word. Admit it dad, you and mom loved Sarah more than you did me,” Lizzie said to him as tears fell down her face. “That isn’t true. I love you Lizzie and right now it would kill me to lose you. I’m sorry that your mother and I didn’t show it to you when we should have but things are going to change. It took Sarah’s death to show me how blind I am about you. Please give me one more chance,” Jeff begged her. “I don’t know, dad. We have so much to work on. I don’t know if I can forget about the past and start over,” Lizzie said. “I know you've been talking to Gail about the wreck. How about me, your mom and Steven join you? Let’s see if she can help us become a family again? I’m will try Liz. How about you?” Jeff begged her. “Ok, I’ll give it a shot but you got to accept me as me and not the person you want me to be,” Lizzie told him. “I’ll do it. I love you baby,” Jeff said and pulled her into his arms and held her close. Father and daughter both sat there and cried in each others arms. Jennifer Webber had been standing in the back ground and sat on the other side of Liz. She too was crying. Jeff and her both held on to Liz and realized how messed up things had gotten. Sarah was gone and there was nothing they could do to bring her back. They had to work on saving their other daughter before it was to late. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke went for a drive to clear his head and to think of a way to help Lucky. He sat at the docks smoking a cigar and thinking. Sonny had been following him and joined Luke, “What are you thinking about?” Sonny asked as he sat down. “About Lucky and how blind I was to his problems. Sonny, I always thought no matter what came in the kid's direction, he could handle anything. But I was wrong. He isn’t indestructible and he hurts just like the rest of us. How do I get through that wall he built up around him?” Luke asked not looking at Sonny. “You'll chip at it a piece at a time. We all saw it, Luke but none of us knew how to tell you,” Sonny said. “Why didn’t you try?” Luke asked him. “You're a hard man to talk to lately. I had to pay the staff double to get them to work for us. You have yelled, and threaten most of our staff at the club. I did tell you about his drinking when I found out. I saw his pain long before that and so did everyone else. We just don't know how to help him,” Sonny said leaning against the railing. “I have been that bad?” Luke asked him. “Worse. Your lucky we still have customers,” Sonny said with a laugh. “Here.” Sonny handed him a key. “Go to the motel just a few blocks down from the club. I have someone waiting for you.” “Either you are going to kill me or there will be a lady waiting for me?” Luke asked him. “Her name is Tammy and you have her for as long as you want her. I’ll take care of Lucky until you get yourself together. You can’t help him like this and you need to be thinking. So go have some fun and relax,” Sonny said. “I don’t know,” Luke started to say but Sonny stopped him, “I do know. You will blow up if you don't relax soon. Now get going and have some fun. Don’t worry, Tammy is very good at what she does,” Sonny smiled at him and walked away. Luke looked at the key and figured why not? A little fun wouldn’t kill him and if he relaxed more, he could think about how to help his son better. Luke headed to the motel to let lose some pent up frustration.