Richards House: Gregory was surprised when Olivia walked in while he was telling Rose that she couldn't see Trey today. Olivia told Bette that she suspected that Gregory had stashed the gun in her house to frame her, but that she didn't have any proof. Bette suggested that Olivia should concentrate on figuring out who removed the gun from the house, rather than who hid it there. Olivia swore to Gregory that she'd raise Trey herself, away from Gregory's influence. Olivia said that since Gregory had won Caitlin to his side, she wouldn't fight him for Caitlin if he'd let her have their son. Olivia begged Gregory to let her have Trey, and not take his hatred of her out on the baby. Olivia threatened to kill Gregory, which prompted him to tell her that her threat proved she's unfit to raise Trey.

Inn at Sunset Beach: Spence took the gun from Caitlin, asking if she had a permit for it. When AJ came home, Annie, fearing that he would convince the cops to release Cole, stopped him. She asked AJ to join her for a drink, but AJ figured out that she was trying to keep him from going upstairs. When Spence asked if Caitlin had found the gun in the room, she said that she wanted to make a statement. Cole, Caitlin, Spence and Ruiz came down the elevator and left for the police station. Cole asked AJ to call a lawyer for Caitlin.

Media Center: Vanessa was out of sorts when Michael arrived for his interview. He commiserated with her on her recent demotion. When she predicted that no one would hear the truth because Gregory would just print what he wanted to print, Michael pointed out to Vanessa that there were a lot of other newspapers she could shop the story to.

Olivia's House: Amy told Sean and Emily that Olivia had kicked her out, and asked where she was going to live now. Emily suggested to Sean that Amy could move into the Richards' house temporarily until they could come up with something better. Sean offered to let Amy move in with his family. When Emily updated Bette on Amy's situation, Bette was aghast that Amy was moving into the Richards' house. She asked how Emily could let her do that after everything Amy had done to her, and Emily responded that she felt bad for Amy.

Sunset Beach Police Department: Cole asked AJ why the gun was in his hotel room, and if it was his. The DA came in to speak to Caitlin. Caitlin claimed, on tape, that the gun was hers. When Ruiz came in with the results of the ballistics test, the DA suggested that Caitlin needed a lawyer. When she refused, Ruiz read her rights. AJ and Cole saw Annie eavesdropping and demanded to know what she was doing there. The DA told Caitlin that the gun she had been holding was the murder weapon.

Richards House: Spence called to tell Gregory that the cops were questioning Caitlin.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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