PERILOUS MOMENTS: Gabi nearly fell, but Ricardo climbed up to her
and they made it to safety. The bottom part of the ladder dropped off just as
they reached the top of the ladder. While Sean pulled the others up, Brad,
Ricardo and Gabi went to make sure that the path ahead was clear.
DEATH OF A MADMAN: Phillip shot at Cole, but Francesca jumped in
front of him. She took the bullet in her upper arm. Cole and Phillip fought.
The gun went off, and Phillip was hit. His dying words to Francesca were
that Cole would never love her. After realizing that Phillip really was dead,
Francesca declared that she was finally free. Later, Cole confessed his
regrets regarding Phillip to Antonio, who counseled him to tell Caitlin the
truth about his past with Francesca.
Antonio and the others were reunited with Ricardo and his gang. While
Emily was bandaging Francesca's wound, Francesca told Bette that she
must be proud of her daughter. Bette agreed that she was. Emily and Bette
worried about how much blood Francesca has lost.
The next part of the path was flooded. Ricardo swam it underwater, leading
a rope between the two points and leaving Gabi to time how long it takes to
make the swim. However, a pipe landed on him while he was swimming.
When Brad refused to save Ricardo, Gabi went after him.
THE OCEAN: While Melinda was in the process of vowing that she'll
never speak to her agent again, the film floated out of her cleavage. She
begged Casey to get the film back for her. Casey guessed correctly that the
film was pictures of him and Sara naked in her bed. He threw the film back
to her. When a shark attacked Melinda, Casey had to restrain Sara from
trying to rescue her. Casey and Sara clung to a floating piece of debris and
swam for shore.
SOUTH BAY GENERAL: When she realized that Bette was on the ship,
Annie told Olivia that she now knows what it's like to lose the most
important person in her life. She was truly sorry for what she did to Olivia.
However, Olivia didn't believe that Annie was repentant. Olivia vowed to
keep her mouth shut, until the last possible moment, and then she'd tell
everything. Then Annie would lose every scrap of security she had in the
world, and Olivia would love every minute of it.
Gregory started to make plans to go to the capsized ship. AJ wanted to go
along, but Gregory refused. When Leo offered to go with Gregory, Gregory
decided to take him. AJ tried to convince Leo not to go, but Leo threw
back AJ's own words about how important Cole is. AJ insisted that there
was no time to explain why Cole was so important. When Gregory saw that
AJ and Leo were on the outs, he agreed to take AJ along.
Olivia and AJ talked about AJ going with Gregory. AJ assured Olivia that all
three of their children were going to be fine. AJ told Olivia that he wished
that Leo knew how much he loves him. She reassured him that Leo did
know, he was just angry. Before they left, AJ told Leo that there's a lot to
say, and no time to say it. He left, affirming his love for his son. Gregory
assured Annie that Bette is the best gossip columnist that he's ever had, and
he's not going to lose her. Olivia made Gregory promise to bring their
children back safely. Olivia and Gregory shared a tender moment while
Annie watched jealously.
Source: Soap Opera Digest