RICHARDS HOUSE: Annie had a dream about cornering the caller. When she woke up, she got another threatening phone call. The caller told her that he was the person who was listening to them when she and Olivia were at the power plant. He ordered her to bring Caitlin and meet him there in an hour. Gregory came on to Annie, but she reluctantly escaped his grasp to meet with the caller, saying that she was running late to meet Caitlin at the mall. Just as Annie was about to get away, Caitlin returned home. Excusing themselves to go shop for Christmas presents, Annie and Caitlin left.

OLIVIA'S HOUSE: Bette arrived home while Cole was looking for the emerald. He told her that he needed to see Amy about the emerald. She revealed that Amy gave the emerald to Emily, and that Emily had gone blind.

SHOCK WAVE: Amy showed Brad the fake emerald she had made. She decided that if she got the emerald back, she might not have Sean, but at least she would be able to sleep at night. Claiming that she was only switching the chains, Amy convinced Emily to let her switch the necklaces. Sean gave Emily a bottle of the perfume she borrowed from Francesca during the cruise, and that was too expensive for her to buy for herself. He said that he remembered that she had told him that she felt beautiful wearing it, and that he bought the perfume to show her that she's beautiful even if she can't see her reflection in the mirror. Later, Cole asked Emily for her necklace. When he looked at it, he realized that it wasn't the real emerald.

BEN'S HOUSE: When Ben cornered Maria, she admitted to lying about getting her memory back, but said that he wouldn't like to hear what she did remember. Maria told Ben that the only thing that she could remember about their life together was that she wasn't in love with him. She claimed that remembering that she felt that she made a mistake by marrying Ben was the worst feeling of her life, and that she never had a chance to fix things. She said that she was never in love with Ben, because she sees that Ben and Meg have real love. He told her to go ahead and leave. Maria went upstairs to pack. She wondered why it hurt so much to hurt him if she didn't ever love Ben. About to leave, Maria told Meg and Ben that she'd be in touch with them about the divorce and that she wouldn't let it drag on any longer than it has to. Ben told Maria to empty her suitcase.

THE PIER: Amy started to throw the jewel into the ocean, but Brad stopped her and tried to convince her to sell the emerald, rather than throwing it into the ocean. Amy insisted, and Brad finally gave up. Later, Cole confronted Amy about the "real" emerald, but Amy declared that she threw it in the water!

SURF CENTRAL: Antonio showed the letter to AJ and Francesca, who were as baffled as he was. After they left, Jimmy returned home, telling Antonio that he wanted to show him his "early Christmas present." Just after the scorpion climbed back into the statue's mouth, Jimmy took it out and showed Antonio that he thought that it could open up, putting his hand into the mouth.

POWER PLANT: Annie and Caitlin arrived for their rendezvous with the caller, and Annie showed Caitlin that she had a gun.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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