Ricardo walked in just as Francesca coded. This time, Tyus was unable to save her and Francesca died. Ricardo ordered an autopsy to determine if the gunshot or Cole tampering with her life support killed her.
Antonio told Gabi that Francesca had accused her of shooting her. He said that if she shot Francesca, he was to blame, because it was his failure that gave Francesca the material to blackmail her. Gabi told a very relieved Antonio that she didn't shoot Francesca. Antonio got the call that Francesca had died.
Gregory told Annie that if she shot Francesca, he'd make sure that she went to jail. They argued about whether Cole and Olivia or Caitlin had more of a motive to shoot Francesca. Sean overheard them and declared that Caitlin didn't do it.
When Caitlin said that Olivia would do anything to get what she wanted -- including shooting Francesca, Olivia admitted that she had wished Francesca dead, but claimed that she didn't kill her. Caitlin asked Olivia what happened to the gun she had pulled on Francesca. Sean interrupted just as Caitlin said that if Olivia went to prison, she'd get her son back. After Olivia left, Sean comforted Caitlin.
Gregory told Sean, Caitlin, Annie and Olivia that Francesca was dead.
Gabi and Antonio arrived as Cole declared that Caitlin didn't kill Francesca. Cole told Gabi that Francesca had died without naming her shooter. Antonio told Francesca that it was a pity that she hadn't been able to help her.
When Gabi heard Ricardo give the order to seal Francesca's room, she reminded Antonio that the tape was still in her room.
Ricardo threatened to hold Cole for suspicion of murdering Francesca.
Francesca was greeted by Eddie and Del.
Source: Soap Opera Digest