ST. JOSEPH'S: Antonio fantasized about kissing Gabi, and was interrupted by Gabi's arrival. She said that he's not the only one leaving St. Joseph's, because she was being reassigned. She asked him for the answer to her question, and he told her that the feelings he has for her are those of friendship and that he was trying very hard to keep his vows. After Gabi left, Antonio realized that she loves him, too.

SURF CENTRAL: Virginia asked Michael what happened, but he declined to answer. Vanessa arrived to see Michael, begging him to listen to her. She promised him that she's always been faithful to him in her heart, and he tried to make her see that it was her failure to tell him the truth that was the problem. After Michael left, Virginia admitted that she had eavesdropped on her conversation with Michael and gave Vanessa the sharp side of her tongue, telling her that Michael's too good for her.

Ben called and left a message on the answering machine. When Casey noticed that Meg had taken off her rings, she told him that she did because she isn't Ben's wife. She said that she needs an honest commitment from Ben, like a new home, because she can't stay in that house with him. Casey offered to let Meg stay there as long as she needs to. She took him up on the offer.

SHOCK WAVE: Sara talked to her parents about her problems with Meg. Hank said that she did the right thing telling Meg what she thought she saw, because Ben has hurt Meg enough. Meg told her parents that she has moved out of Ben's and she was going to move back into Surf Central. She said that she was going to be moving back into Ben's some day, maybe as soon as next week, but Hank told her that she isn't. Meg insisted that nothing happened between Ben and Maria in the cave, but Hank didn't buy it.

SOUTH BAY GENERAL: Ben came to see Maria, who told him that she had decided not to give him a divorce. She said that she still loves him, and asks him if he still loves her. Maria marveled at how much more difficult it was to divorce Ben than she had expected it to be. When he asked her to come home, so that they could discuss the issue, Maria refused to go home with him. Ben was going to let Maria move back in with Carmen, but Dr. Estrada convinced Ben that Maria needed to continue to stay with him. Ricardo broke the news to Carmen that Antonio was leaving town. When Ricardo indicated that Gabi agrees that it's a good idea for Antonio to leave, Carmen decided that Gabi must have driven him away.

BEN'S HOUSE: Maria was astounded by how much she remembered. Maria went upstairs and Ben stepped outside. Meg arrived to pick up the rest of her things, knocked at the door, and when no one answered it, opened it and walked in. She went upstairs, and saw Maria. Meg told Maria that it was Maria's house now.

SURF CENTRAL: Sara arrived to see Casey, who apologized to Sara, saying that anyone can make a mistake. They kissed and made up -- literally. Casey told Sara that Meg was moving back into Surf Central.

THE BEACH: Tyus called Michael on his cell phone to talk about the baby.

SUNSET BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT: The chief told Gabi that he was giving her a police assignment. Ricardo told her that she couldn't take it.

ST. JOSEPH'S: Antonio prayed for strength to take the new assignment and avoid the temptation that Gabi posed. Carmen arrived and announced that she knew that he was leaving because of Gabi.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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