MONDAY JUNE 22, 1998

SUNSET BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT: Gabi admitted to Ricardo that she's worried about Meg. Ricardo confessed he thought that there was something wrong with Ben, too. They tried to figure out why he would lie about the warehouse.

CEDAR OAKS HOSPITAL: Once Tyus removed the wires from Tim's jaw, Tim asked Tyus to call the police. Tyus called Ricardo and said that Tim wanted to speak to him. When Ricardo arrived, Tim revealed that "Ben" pushed him off the scaffolding.

THE MORTUARY: Ben was able to talk Diane out of killing him with a stake, claiming it would break their "circle of destiny" if they died at different times. This convinced her that they should drink poison together so that they'd die at the same time. Ben tried to stall by asking Diane if there was some sort of ceremony that they should follow, so she slashed their wrists and put the slashes together. While she was distracted, Ben concentrated on getting control over his other hand.

THE CABIN: Meg dropped the urn, which she was convinced contains Ben's ashes. Derek returned and asked her why she's been crying. In an effort to get Derek to leave the room, Meg asked him to get some flu medicine for her. Meg stole the car keys from Derek's pocket and then sent him out for firewood. Meg had trouble starting the car. Just then Derek approached her and asked her what she's doing!

TYUS'S APARTMENT: Virginia convinced Vanessa that the only way to make Michael stop looking for her was to fake her own death!

THE BEACH: Casey was able to rescue Sara from drowning. Sara confessed to Casey that she wanted to die because she did sleep with Congressman Blythe and lied about it on her affidavit. She wondered why Casey didn't hate her; he thought she seemed to be doing a pretty good job of hating herself. He maintained that no matter what, he still considered her a friend.

MOVING COMPANY: Michael read the file on the order for them to move Vanessa's things out of her apartment, and discovered that they moved Vanessa's things at Tyus's instructions.

TYUS'S APARTMENT: While Vanessa was trying to convince Tyus to help her fake her own death, Michael pounded on Tyus's door, demanding to see him!

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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