JAVA WEB:Casey and Sara talked about Ben and Meg's predicament. They realized that the wedding had put a damper on their plans to go out. They decided to attend the opening of The Shock Wave (the old Waffle Shop) together. Sara was less than thrilled when Casey suggested they bring Meg along, but agreed to go over to Meg's and ask her to join them. Casey kissed her on the forehead, to Sara's frustration.

OBSESSION: Sean confronted Brad about his part in the e-mail scheme. Sean demanded to know where Emily had gone, but all Brad could do was gloat. Amy arrived to offer Sean sympathy, but Leo informed her that Sean knew all about the e-mail. Sean got a call from Bette and rushed out. Brad wondered why Amy continued to throw herself at Sean, when it was obvious he couldn't stand her.

FLY AWAY HOME: Emily was distressed that she overslept and missed her flight. Bette pleaded with her daughter to stay in Sunset Beach so they could continue to mend their relationship, but Emily maintained she had to go. Bette tried to use her cell phone to call Sean, but the battery was dead. She was able to finagle a payphone and call Sean on his cell phone to alert him that Emily was on her way out of town. Emily realized that Bette had phoned Sean. She was determined to leave anyway, and mother and daughter shared a tearful good-bye. Just as Emily boarded the plane, Sean arrived. He rushed to stop her, but was he too late?

BEN'S HOUSE: Joan paid Meg a visit to see how she was doing. Meg tried to avoid the issue, but broke a piece of her grandmother's china and freaked out. A crying Meg confessed she was frightened that Maria was still legally Ben's wife. Casey and Sara arrived to ask Meg to come to the opening with them, but a jumpy Meg's mind was elsewhere. Joan and Sara left Meg alone with Casey, who offered to be there for her. He suggested a walk on the beach, and she agreed -- but said she needed to do it alone. She thanked him for being such a good friend.

THE CHASE: Ben and Ricardo headed out in a patrol car, searching for Maria. Ricardo blamed Ben's lack of love and trust for Maria's accident and "death." Meanwhile, one of the two men grabbed Maria on the beach. Ben and Ricardo spotted the car and rescued Maria just in time. A frightened Maria rushed off, but Ben tracked her down. He was able to calm her down, but she refused to go back to Cedar Oaks. She wanted to go see Meg, and Ben said they could walk there.

THIS KISS, THIS KISS: Sara sat on the beach, and had a daydream that Casey admitted he cared for her. Suddenly, Casey showed up, and Sara impulsively took his face in her hands and kissed him.

LOVES ME, LOVES ME NOT: Ben and Maria walked on the beach together, and they reached the swing where Ben recalled the first time she told him she loved him. Then Maria turned to Ben and said, "I love you" -- just in time for Meg to overhear!

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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