BEN'S HOUSE: A down and out Meg told Vanessa that her marriage to Ben is null and void. She also revealed how she caught Maria kissing Ben. Vanessa thought that Meg needed to leave Maria alone and get her own life back together. But Meg insisted that she couldn't stay away from Maria, because she's the key to her recovery.


YOU'RE NO FRIEND OF MINE: Annie explained that she only told Maria that she was married to Ben because she cares about her. Maria responded that she hates Annie. Annie begged Maria for a chance to explain, for the sake of their friendship, but Maria said that they might have been friends once, but Annie means nothing to her now. Annie claimed that she only kept the truth from Maria as long as she did because Tim convinced her that she might regain her memories at the wedding. Maria asked Annie why she risked this precious friendship just to hurt Meg. Annie stated that the old Maria would have understood. Maria declared that Meg is her best friend and that she will never forgive Annie for ruining that friendship.

CONSOLATION: Gregory hugged Annie and told her that if she's going to manipulate people, to keep her heart out of it. Annie couldn't bring herself to say it, but Gregory understood that sometimes she wants to be loved by everyone, just like Meg is. Gregory excused himself to take care of some very important business.

GOOD INTENTIONS -- NOT QUITE!: Maria and Tim reminisced about the early days of their relationship. Just when she had lulled him into a false sense of security, she told him that she knew that he set her up. He insisted that he tried to tell Ben and Meg the truth, but that they wouldn't listen. He claimed that he just wanted to put things back where they should be -- Ben with Maria and him with Meg. Meg overheard Tim trying to get Maria to admit that she still has feelings for Ben. Maria maintained that she wouldn't do anything to hurt Meg. When Tim and Maria realized that Meg had overheard them, Tim left. Meg told Maria that she'd do whatever she can to help Maria -- no matter what happens.

SEA BREEZE MOTEL: Just as Cole arrived, he overheard Bernie and Hillary demanding their jewels from Francesca at gunpoint. Francesca saw Cole standing in the doorway. To stall them, she promised to tell them where the jewels are. Cole flipped out the light and he and Francesca disarmed the pair. They threatened to call the police if Bernie and Hillary come around again.

Francesca decided that this has gone far enough and that they needed to stop. Cole accused Francesca of trying to manipulate him, but she assured him that she was sincere, and that she wanted to quit because she was afraid that something would happen to him. She finally admitted that she has always loved him -- even when she married Phillip. She wanted Cole to help her because she had thought that they would get back together, and now that she saw that she was wrong. The more intense things get with Bernie and Hillary, the more at risk Cole will be, she had decided that she couldn't risk that. She went on to say that she can't keep putting him in the position where he has to save her life.

INN AT SUNSET BEACH: Olivia told AJ that she couldn't accept the necklace because jewels have only caused her bad luck. She blamed Sean's brain surgery and Caitlin's car accident on the Deschanel jewels. Olivia got upset when AJ told her that he offered the necklace to Caitlin. AJ was surprised by Olivia's reaction to the news and told her that Caitlin didn't accept it. Olivia figured out that Caitlin didn't accept if for fear that it would tempt Cole back into his own larcenous ways, but AJ insisted that Cole would never do anything that would threaten his marriage to Caitlin.

AJ told Olivia that he had decided to sell the necklace. Gregory arrived just as AJ and Olivia said a tender farewell at the door. Gregory told AJ that their insurance won't cover all of the damage to the resort, and that the shareholders will be responsible to pay for the excess. He offered to cover AJ's share of the repairs in exchange for the necklace. When she arrived for dinner, AJ told Olivia that he sold the necklace. When they were alone in the room, Olivia passed that news on to Cole. Meanwhile, Gregory gave Annie the necklace.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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