CUMMINGS HOUSE: Sara told Casey that she felt bad because of how hard this scandal has been, not just on Hank and Joan, but on Casey, as well. Melinda called and Sara agreed to meet her at the Java Web. Casey and Sara shared a tender moment while hooking up her wire, but she pulled away. She thanked Casey for rescuing her time after time. When he said that he'd help anyone that Melinda's out to get, especially Sara, she responded that she has to do this herself, because he won't be there to rescue her forever.

THE PIER: As he watched Ben's house through the telescope, Tim thought that there would be no way that Ben and Maria could have avoided seeing each other.

SURF CENTRAL: Ricardo asked if Gabi felt rushed when he told her that he's falling in love with her, and she told him that she feels the same way about him.

BEN'S HOUSE: When Meg came to wake "Dana" up, but she found the bed already made. Ben came in and gave Meg another pearl for her necklace. When Meg left the room, Ben found the birthday card that Maria had discovered the previous night, which caused him to remember the day that Maria had given him that card. He ripped the card up and threw it away.

Meg came downstairs and saw that "Dana" had already started cooking breakfast. Remembering the birthday card she had found, "Dana" asked Meg who "English" is. Meg explained that "English" had been Ben's late wife's nickname for Ben. "Dana" told Meg about finding the card, and that when she saw the card, she had the strangest feeling that there were problems between Ben and his first wife before she died. Meg tells "Dana" that they had had problems, but after her death, Ben had discovered that it had all been a misunderstanding. She said that Ben loved his first wife very much, and he never thought he could love someone again. "Dana" pointed out that he did learn to love again.

Gabi arrived to pick Meg up for her wedding dress fitting. Meg didn't want to leave "Dana," but she said that breakfast would keep and that the three of them would have breakfast together after Meg returns. Meg and Gabi left.

THE PIER: When he saw Meg and Gabi leaving together, talking and laughing, Tim knew that Ben hadn't seen Maria yet.

BEN'S HOUSE: Maria stepped outside to pick up the paper when she saw a gardenia bush. She picked a flower from it and put it by Ben's plate. When she stepped back into the kitchen, Ben came downstairs and saw the gardenia, which reminded him that they had been Maria's favorite flower.

Ben decided to go for a jog. Soon after he left, Tim arrived, telling "Dana" that Ben went out for a jog. Tim offered to drive her back to Cedar Oaks. Then Gabi arrived, telling "Dana" that Meg wanted her to drive "Dana" back to Cedar Oaks. "Dana" insisted that she wanted to stay and meet Ben. Eventually, they called Dr. Estrada, who insisted that "Dana" return to Cedar Oaks.

THE BEACH: While Ben was jogging, he noticed that the sole of one of his shoes was separating from the shoe, so he returned home.

BEN'S HOUSE: Gabi told Ben that Tim took "Dana" back to Cedar Oaks, leaving Ben alone with enough food to feed four people. He lifted the lid of the pot, and saw that "Dana" had fixed huevos rancheros, his favorite. After Gabi left, Ben remembered how Maria used to fix him huevos rancheros (with a gardenia in her hair). He wondered why he was suddenly being bombarded by reminders of Maria.

CUMMINGS HOUSE: Meg came by because she didn't have her wedding shoes with her and she needed them for the fitting. Sara went to get them. While she was gone, Meg told Casey that her wedding wouldn't be complete without him. When they're hugging, Sara returned.

JAVA WEB: Leo tried to get Sean to talk about Emily, but Sean ducked the subject. Meanwhile, Emily and Bette arrived. Emily told her mother that all she wanted was a chance to talk to Sean face to face. When they saw Sean and Leo, Bette gave Leo an excuse to leave Sean and Emily alone. Emily apologized, but Sean told her that he couldn't promise her that he'll ever get over it. He stepped outside for a moment.

While Sean was gone, Amy insulted Emily. Sean leapt to her defense, saying that just because he fought with Emily, Amy didn't have the right to gloat. Bette overheard Amy's insult and threatened to make slanderous accusations about Amy in her column if she doesn't leave Emily alone. After Amy and Brad left, Sean told Emily that after being raised by liars like Gregory and Olivia, he doesn't know if he can ever trust her again. Bette promised Emily to help her make it up to Sean.

Sara arrived, wearing a wire, and told Melinda that since she wanted to talk, she should talk.

ST. JOSEPH'S: Antonio told Father O'Brien that the identity of the woman in his dream wasn't important. He made a vow to God and he intends to keep it.

Ricardo told Antonio that he ran into Gabi on the beach, and that she had been disappointed that he had left Surf Central so early that morning. Antonio explained that he had a lot of work to catch up on. Ricardo told Antonio that he was starting to fall in love with Gabi, and Antonio had difficulty working up the appropriate enthusiasm for him. Later, Gabi arrived while Antonio was praying about his dreams.

CEDAR OAKS: Maria told Tim that she hadn't even known that she knew how to make huevos rancheros until she saw the ingredients in the kitchen.

BEN'S HOUSE: Meg arrived home, and Ben told her that after she made huevos rancheros for breakfast, he would have to go to Cedar Oaks, because he had to meet "Dana" face to face.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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