Always and Forever

by Britt...


Chapter 1

Amanda and Cameron were up in their room. They had the newspaper spread out. " What about this one?" Asked Cameron. "Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dinning room, kitchen, family room, a den. It sounds really nice. We should set up a day to go see it," said Amanda. It was official Amanda and Cameron were getting married. They had finally picked a date, August 17th. They were house hunting.

"Yeah, There's a number. I'll call," he said as he picked up the phone and started dialing. He got up and went to the other end of the room and talked. Amanda and Cameron were very happy about the wedding and excited about the big move. Everyone was excited for them. Everyone except for Alli. Alli didn't care really that Amanda and Cameron were getting married. Nothing would change except for it would be in writing but, her problem was moving. She hated the idea. She didn't keep that a secret to say the least. Her exact words were," Oh that's nice. When are you guys moving because I'll help you pack." When Amanda told her that she couldn't stay she was so angry. She stormed out.

" They said tomorrow at 10:30," said Cameron. " Great." Amanda flipped through her wedding magazine. She looked at some dresses and fianlly picked one." I found a dress." " Let me see." Cameron sat down next to her. " No. It's bad luck." "No. It's not like your wearing it. It's just a picture." " No. Your not seeing my dress." Amanda closed the magazine. " Oh really." " Yes Cameron really." " Will I have to make you show it to me?" " Yes," said Amanda trying not to laugh. " Fine. I will." Cameron lended in to kiss Amanda but, just as she closed her eyes he grabed the magazine. " Oh Cameron." " Fine. I won't look." He glanced at his watch. " I have to go. I promissed Gary I'd meet him at Carlino's. We need to work on a case and he's bringing Patrick so I can see him," said Cameron. " Okay," said Amanda. Amanda and Cameron walked down stairs to wear Alli was already. " Hi Alli," said Amanda. " Hi mom, Cameron," said Alli. Alli was looking through her bag. " Are you going somewhere?" Asked Amanda. " Yeah. Remember. Sean is taking me to his friend Justin's party," said Alli. " I never told you you could go," said Amanda. " Yes you did. Yesturday when you and Cameron where planning the wedding," said Alli. " Well. Are his parents going to be home?" " I gotta run Amanda," said Cameron. Cameron kissed Amanda and left. " Well. Alli?" "Yes. His parents will be there," said Alli. " Okay. I guess so. Be careful. Drive safely," said Amanda. Amanda went back upstairs.

Alli left the house and went outside. She was meeting Sean at Vicky and Jake's and they were taking her car because Vicky and Jake were both going to be gone that night. Alli drove to the cottage. Sean was sitting on the steps outside. " Hey Alli," said Sean. " Hey," said Alli getting out of the car." So where is this party?" Asked Alli. " I'll give you direction as we go.Ok?" " Okay." " Okay. Let's go," said Sean. They drove 30 minutes to get to the party. When they went in people were everywhere. They dance and talked with everyone. Alli's curfew was 12:30. " What time is it?" Asked Alli. " 1:30," said Sean. " Oh. I'm so dead Sean. I was told to be home at 12:30. We gotta go," said Alli. Sean and Alli hurried out and Alli started driving home. They had to go down the freeway to get home. Alli was going way over the speed limit. " Alli slow down," said Sean. Some guy cut her off and trying to dodge him she swerved. Alli headed right for the guardrail. The car ran right into it and slid into another car . The whole windshild went in and Alli and Sean were both out of it. A nearby car called 911. Others went over to see if they were okay. Sean woke up and relized what had happened. He had a lot of cuts and bruises but was okay. Alli had an awful head wound. "Alli," said Sean weakly. Alli didn't answer.

An ambulence came. They took Alli and Sean to the hospital. Sean was check out by the doctors and Alli was taken into ICU. The hospital called Amanda who had been home worrying for the last hour. Amanda came racing into the hospital with Cameron at her side. "Excuse me. I'm looking for my daughter. Alli Fowler," said Amanda. " Oh yes. She is in room 144. Dr. Williams is in with her now," said the nurse. Amanda saw Sean. " What did you do to my daughter," said Amanda. " Ms. Cory. I didn't do anything. Alli and I left the party late. Not realizing how late it was. She was drving too fast. I told her to slow down." " Oh. So now it's Alli's fault." " No. I dind't say that." " Sean. She wouldn't have been at that party if she had never met you," said Amanda. " Amanda. Lay off the kid. He had no way of knowing," said Cameron. " Oh. Great. Now you too," said Amanda. In the mean time Dr. Williams came out. " How is Alli?" Asked Amanda. " Alli has lost a lot of blood. Her head wound is very serious. It is swelling and putting pressure on her brain," said the doctor. " Oh no," said Amanda. Tears began to gather in her eyes. She grabbed Cameron's arm for support. Cameron put his arm around Amanda. " Can I see her?" " Yes. Please though she is very weak. She woke up once when she first got hee but, she is starting to slip into a coma. Talking to her could help her," said Dr.Williams.

Amanda and Cameron went in. She saw Alli there will all of those machines and almost couldn't bare it. " It's okay Amanda," said Cameron. Amanda sat down on the chair by Alli's bed. " Alli. Baby. It's me. Your mom," said Amanda. " Well you sure banged yourself up. It reminds me of when you were seven and learning how to ride you bike with out training wheels. Amanda paused trying to hold back tears." You fell and fell but, wouldn't give up. Finally you got it. You were so happy. I was so proud of you. Now you are going to wake up soon and I will be proud of you all over again." Alli's machine started beeping and her life line went flat. A doctor and nurses rushed in. " Please. Ms.Cory. You need to wait outside," said Dr.Williams. A nurse pushed Amanda and Cameron outside the room. Amanda watched in horor. Sean ran up to them. " What happened. What's going on?" Asked Sean. " The machines started going off and Alli's life line went flat," said Cameron. Amanda was crying, Cameron looking like a ton of bricks had hit him and Sean actually had a single tear going down his face. The three of them waited to see if Alli was going to make it.

Chapter 2

The doctor came out. " Alli is stable for now. The next 48 hours is critical though," said Dr. Williams. " Can I see her," said Amanda. " Of course." Amanda and Cameron made their way into the room. In the meantime Rachel and Matt came. "Sean. How's Alli?" Asked Rachel. " She's stable but, they don't know," he said. Sean figured that this was a family time so he kept his distance.

" Alli. It's me," said Amanda. Alli didn't move. "Cameron she doesn't even know I'm here," said Amanda. "Yes.She does,"said Cameron.They sat with Alli. The doctor came in. " Ms.Cory. Can I speak to you," said Dr.Williams. Amanda and Cameron stepped into the waiting room and he explained everything to them. In the meantime Sean went into Alli's room. He couldn't help put cry when he saw her. " Alli. Hey. It's me. Sean," said Sean. Sean went over and sat down in the chair by her bed. " I can't believe I let this happen to you. I'm so sorry. I promised you that I would protect you. I told you that as long as I am here I will keep you safe," said Sean. Sean pulled his wallet out of his pocket and took a picture out. " This is the picture I took of you in the park when you were laying there with your eyes closed. Ya know when you thought I was so psycho. Well I always keep this picture with me," said Sean. Alli's eyes flinched. " Alli," said Sean. " Sean. What happened?" Alli was very weak and could hardly talk. " We were in an accident. On the way home from Justin's party. Do you Remember?" " Yeah. Kinda," said Alli.

Amanda came in at that time. " Alli. Your awake.Dr.Williams.Cameron get Dr.Williams," said Amanda. Amanda came over. "Thank you Sean. You helped her out of her coma." Sean nodded. " We need to do some test. Please everyone leave," said Dr.Williams. Amanda, Cameron and Sean headed out.

Vicky and Jake came running in. " Oh Sean," said Vicky. She hugged him. " We were so worried," said Jake. " What happened?" Asked Vicky. He explained the whole thing to them." Is Alli going to be okay?" Asked Jake. He went over and talked to Amanda. Jake went in to see Alli. " Alli. Hi," said Jake. " Hi. Wow. Surprised to see you." " Yeah. Surprised to see you like this too. How are you feeling?" "Better. They gave me pain medicine so that's helping." " That's good."

"Vicky and I might just leave Sean here incase you want to see him." " Good."

"Well I better let you get some rest." Jake leaned over and kissed Alli on the forhead. " Hang in there Alli." " Bye. Thanks for stopping by," said Alli.

A few minutes later Cameron came back. He had two dozen pink roses for Alli.

"Aww. Thank you Cameron," said Alli. " Anytime," said Cameron. " You know what we should do after you get better?" " What?" " We should all go somewhere together as a family," said Cameron. " That's a great idea," said Amanda. " Yeah." said Alli. Amanda and Cameron left to let Alli get some rest. " Gosh even when I am in the hospital they are throwing this family thing in my face," said Alli to herself.

Sam came running in. " Sam," said Amanda. " How did ... " " I called him. He had a right to kow," said Rachel. " Thank you mom. I hadn't even gotten a chance," said Amanda. Sam went in to see Alli. " Who is that?" Asked Sean to Matt.

"That's Alli's dad, Sam Fowler," said Matt. Sam came back out. " Who is this Sean guy that Alli was talking about?" Asked Sam. He looked around the people and his eyes set on Sean. " That would be me." He had a frown on his face.Then it turned to a smile. " You saved my daughter and for that I thank you," said Sam. " Alli is asking for you Sean," said Sam. Sean went in.

"Hi," said Alli, " Hi. Wow. You seem better." " Yeah. I feel much better." " I want to thank you. You saved me. You talked me out of my coma." "It was my fault. I promised you I would protect you and that you would be safe as long as I'm with you. I was there last night and I failed you." " No. You can't protect me from everything." Sean didn't say anything. "Come here." Sean sat sat down. Alli took Sean's hand. " Now. you can't protect me from everything. I want you to understand that." Sean didn't say anything."Look at me. Now repeat after me. Alli is not my responsiblitiy." " Alli is not my responsiblity," said Sean not wanting to but, knowing there was no way out of it. "Now. Don't you feel better?" Sean just looked at Alli. "You look sleepy. You need some rest.I'm going to go." " No. Stay. At least untill I fall asleep.Please." " Of course," said Sean. Alli layed down and held his hand. Even after she was asleep he didn't go. He was so happy that she was okay.

Alli slept and Sean watched relizing how important she was to him.

Chapter 3

Alli woke up the next morning. She looked over at the chair where Sean was asleep. Alli laughed to herself. Alli got a magazine off of the table and started flipping through it. Sean woke up. "Alli. Your up. Why didn't you wake me," said Sean looking at his watch. " I thought you deserved the sleep after staying here all night," said Alli. " How are you feeling?" " I'm better. I want to go home." " Yeah. I know but, you can't just yet. Soon." " Yeah. Soon," said Alli throwing the magazine back on the table. The nurse came in. " Hi Alli. How are you today?" " I feel better. I just am really ready to go home." " Well the doctor said it will be a few more day. Here's your medication." " Okay. Thanks." The nurse left. " A few more days. Just great." " Don't worry Alli. I won't leave untill you get out. I promise." " Good. At least I won't be alone." " Your mom is out in the waiting room. She probably would like to see you and though would give me sometime to go take a shower and change clothes. " Yeah.That's fine, said Alli. " Okay. I'll see ya later", said Sean. Okay. Bye. Thanks so much for staying last night," said Alli. "Yeah.Anytime,said Sean. Sean went to get Amanda.

A few minutes later Amanda came in. " Hi. How are you feeling?" " Ready to go home," said Alli. " Well the doctor said you can go home in about four days," said Amanda. " Good. Finally. Wish it was sooner though." " Cameron and I have been talking. We have desided to stay at home once we get married." " Really." Alli's face lite up. " You mean it?" " Yep. I sure do," said Amanda. Amanda and Alli talked for awhile.

*** Four Days later***

"Finally," said Alli putting her shoe on. " I told you it wouldn't be that long," said Amanada. Picking up some of Alli's things and putting them in a bag. " Well it felt like forever," said Alli. A nurse came in with a wheel chair. " I can walk," said Alli. "It's hospital policy," said the nurse as she left. " Great.Make me feel like an a little kid," said Alli sitting down. Amanda wheeled her out to the lobby where Cameron and Sean where. "Where's dad?" Asked Alli looking around. " He had to go back to work. Some kind of emergency.He told me to give you this," said Cameron handing Alli an envelope. " Oh. Gee. That was too kind of him," said Alli putting the envelope in her purse. " Well kid we can drop you off on our way home," said Cameron to Sean. " That's great. Thanks." When they got to the car Alli got up. Amanda and Cameron got in the car. Alli had this funny look on her face. She looked at Sean who had the same look. " Gee this is the first time I've been in a car since..." Started Alli. " Yeah. I know," said Sean. "It will be alright...don't you think?" asked Alli very unsure." Umm.Yeah.I'm sure it will be,"said Sean.

They finally got in the car and drove to Vicky and Jake's cottage. They dropped Sean off and Vicky and Jake came to the car to talk to them for a few minutes. "How are you feeling,Alli?" Asked Jake. " A lot better," said Alli. "That's great. We were worried there for awhile," said Vicky. "Vicky and I were thinking of having a party at the end of the summer. Like an end of the summer party. We were wondering if you guys would like to come?" Asked Jake. Amanda looked at Cameron who nodded." Yeah sure. When?" " On August 25th," said Vicky. "Yeah and you can ask Josie and Gary," said Jake. " We already called your mother,"said Vicky looking at Amanda. "Great. Mom will like that."

Amand and Cameron left. They headed home to where Matt was on the couch playing with Jasmine. Matt had been all smiles since Lila and Cass had left on their honeymoon because he got to spend two weeks of undivided attention with his baby girl. " Hey there Alli," said Matt. " Hey. Uncle Matt," said Alli sitting in the nearest chair. " How are you feeling?" " Better," said Alli. " Oh Amanda. Did Vicky and Jake talk to you about their party?" "Yeah. We told them we would go," said Amanda. " Yeah.I'll still have Jasmine then so I'll take her too.It looks like someone is getting sleepy.I think it's time for your nap,"said Matt. Matt went upstairs.

" Well.I'm gonna go upstairs," said Alli. " Okay Alli," said Amanda. Amanda and Cameron where on the couch making wedding plans an hour or so later when she came back down. "Okay.Alli. I need a woman's point of veiw," said Amanda.

"Yeah?" " Which dress would you rather where?" Amanda pointed to two different dresses. " That one," said Alli. " Well that's the one your wearing..that is if you want to be a maid of honor?" "Really? Oh mom. Of course." "That's great,"said Amanda. "Hey do you guys wanta go to a movie or something?" Asked Cameron who was bored to death with wedding plans. " We can't go to a movie. We have wedding plans," said Amanda furious of the idea. "Oh come on mom. Live alittle," said Alli tugging at her arm. "Well. Alli. You just got out of the hospital." "Mom.I'll be fine," said Alli. "Yeah.Amanda.Come on,"said Cameron. "Fine.As soon as we get home we are starting our wedding plans again,"said Amanda. "Fine,"said Cameron."I'll go get Katie,"said Amanda. Amanda got Katie and went down stairs. Amanda,Cameron,Katie and Alli were off to the movies.

Finally they were acting like a true family. Who knows how long it will last. Maybe not even to the car but, for that short second Amanda saw a glimps of what it would be like someday and she liked it.

Chapter 4

There is a church full of familar faces. You see the Corys, Carlinos, McKinnons. Pretty much all of Bay City's families. Alli comes walking down the long read carpet towards the front of the church with Katie. Cameron is standing at the front of the church sporting one of his killer smiles. The music starts and everyone stands. Amanda dressed in an off white dress starts down the red carpet.

Like Cameron she is all smiles. Amanda comes to the end where Cameron is. She smiles at him. The ministers starts. We have gathered here today to goin this man, Cameron Sinclair and this woman,Amanda Cory in.... STOP!! Yelled a voice from the back of the room. It was Mac Cory. Everyone turnned in amazment. "Daddy.Is it really you," said Amanda in tears as she ran towards her father. Mac started to dissapear. "Daddy.Come back,"said Amanda. "Amanda.Don't marry him. He will hurt you. Don't marry him... Mac dissapeared. Amanda woke up in a cold sweat. She must have been moving a lot in her sleep because before she knew it Cameron was up asking her what was wrong. "It was only a dream," said Amanda outloud. "What was only a dream?" Asked Cameron. She looked at him. She didn't want to tell him that she had had a dream about her father warning her not to marry him. She didn't want to worry him. "Oh. Nothing Cameron. It's alright. Let's just go back to sleep," said Amanda. Amanda closed her eyes. She opened them in two second. "Why did I dream that. Was Daddy trying to warn me not to marry Cameron or was it just a silly dream. I don't know why I thought of that,"Amanda said to herself. She didn't sleep anymore that night. She had woken up at 3 and it was going on 5 when she finally gave up and got up.

She went into Katie's room. "I'm sure he would have loved Cameron,"said Amanda to herself as she sat in the rocking chair in Katie's room. Katie was asleep. Amanda watched Katie for awhile. Then she heard a noise in the hall. It was Matt. He pushed the door. "Hey Amanda. What are you doing in here?" Asked Matt in a whisper. " I couldn't sleep,"said Amands in a whisper as she walked towards to door. "Is something wrong?" " Well kind of. Can we talk?" Asked Amanda. " Yeah sure. Let's go down stairs," said Matt.

Matt and Amanda went down stairs to the living room. He flipped on the little light and sat down. " Okay Amanda. Go ahead," said Matt. Amanda sat down.

"Well. I had a dream a few hours ago.Cameron and I were getting married and everything was going great untill Daddy came in," said Amanda. " Dad came in?"

"Yeah and he yelled stop. He told me not to marry Cameron that he would hurt me. I'm affraid that that was like a sign from Daddy," said Amanda. Matt bit his lip."Okay, Amanda. You know that Dad would have like Cameron. He would have approved of you two. I know he would. You can't take that dream so seriousy and let it ruin what you and Cameron have," said Matt. Amanda just sighed. "Yeah. It was kind of silly wasn't it," said Amanda. "Do you feel better?" Asked Matt. "I guess," said Amanda. Matt went to go make some coffee.

Alittle bit later Cameron came down stairs. "Hey beautiful. Good morning,"said Cameron. "Hi,Cameron,"said Amanda. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. I'm just not in the mood for Vicky and Jake's little picnic thing." "Oh come on Amanda.It will be fun." Amanda just nodded. " Well I'm going to go get ready." Amanda went upstairs. Alli was comming down at that time. "Good moring mom,"said Alli in a cheery voice."Good morning," said Amanda. Amanda started to walk away. "Mom. Wait.What's wrong?" Asked Alli. "Oh nothing. I' m just alittle tired. Are you excited about today?" Asked Amanda quick to changing the subject to avoid that question again. "Yeah. I really am. I can't wait. When do we leave?" Amanda look at the clock in the hall. "It's ten thirty now so probably by eleven thirty." "Okay. Great," said Alli going down stairs.

**** At the McKinnon picnic****

Vicky and Jake had five tables set up. They had invited A lot of people. Paulena,Joe,Dante,Remy,Nick,Etta Mae, Toni and Chris were already there. "Hi everyone,"said Vicky as Amanda,Cameron,Alli,Katie,Matt and Rachel walked up.

"They all exchanged their hellos. Everyone else showed up. About an hour after Amanda,Cameron,Alli,Katie, Matt and Rachel had gotten there Cameron pulled Amanda to the side. "You've been acting weird all day,"said Cameron. "It's nothing,"said Amanda trying to smile. Cameron knew something was up but, what.

Alli and Sean went for a little walk around the neighborhood. "I can't believe summer is over,"said Alli looking up at the falling leaves. "Yeah I know,"said Sean. "Yeah. We head to school on Monday. You are going right?" "Well that's kind of what I brought you out here to tell,"said Sean. "My Aunt that lives back home wants me to move in with her,"said Sean. Alli looked up. "Really. Are you going?" Asked Alli. "I don't want to but, I feel like I'm a burdden on Jake and Vicky,"said Sean. " No. You can't leave,"said Alli. Sean looked down at the ground."Please tell me your not really concidering this,"said Alli. Sean took Alli's hands. "I'm sorry." Alli fought back tears. "You can't go Sean. You can't," said Alli. Sean hugged Alli.

"I'm sorry but, when I told Jake and Vicky about it they liked the idea. They said that it would be for the best because my aunt is going to move into my old house and I can't go back to my old school and stuff," said Sean. He paused. "But I don't want to leave you," he said. "Are they going to make you go?" She asked still holding on to him. " I don't know. They said that they are gonna have to talk it over,"said Sean. Alli and Sean stood in the middle of the path in silence.

Amanda was sitting in the house talking to Paulena and everyone else was outside. She told her about her dream. Paulena told her that she was crazy to think that Mac was sending her a sign not to marry Cameron. " Amanda don't worry about it.I'm sure your just getting nervous about the wedding and you just had a dream about it. It's normal,"said Paulena.Amanda thought about it and relized that it was just probably a crazy dream and tried to forget about it.

Cameron came in the house. "Well it's getting late and most everyone is getting ready to leave," said Cameron. They headed out. Alli and Sean were comming up the drive-way. Jake,Vicky,Cameron and Amanda were standing there as they came up. Vicky and Jake saw the look on Alli's face. Mascara smears down her face. "You told her..didn't you Sean,"said Vicky."Yeah,"said Sean who didn't look too happy either. "Told her what? What's wrong Alli?" Asked Amanda. " Well," started Jake. "Sean's Aunt Polly called yesturday and told us that she would be moving into Sean's old house and they he was more then welcome to move back so he would go back to his old school, see his friends and live in his house again. Since we are having twins and all there won't be much space so we are considering having Sean move back. We have to talk it over and stuff. Nothing is for sure yet."

Alli and Sean still stood there together in silence. Sean whispered something to Alli and she nodded. "Hey would it be alright if Alli hangs out here for awhile and I drive her home alittle later?" Asked Sean. Jake looked at Vicky. She nodded. Amanda and Cameron nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later,"said Amanda. "Bye,"said Alli.

Amanda and Cameron left and Alli and Sean went in the backyard and talked.

Amanda was still unsettled about her dream. Cameron was worried about Amanda. Alli was upset that Sean might leave. Sean was worried about having to leave Alli. Everyone had problems and things didn't look like they were going to get any better.


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