Welcome to Miss Thang's Advice Column

My Picture Darlings

Hello you lovely gorgeous people. I'm back to deal with all your problems. This week I have a special announcment. My spankingly fabulous new web site is up and running. I know it is not completed but I'm just so excited by this I have to tell you. Visit it at So all you beachy people such as Casey, Meg, Jude and many more you must have problems that you want to ask me. Well E-mail me at the address below. Remember I only want beachy problems for real problems E-mail Bette over at Ask Bette.

Featured Dilemma For October 25th, 1999:

I slept with my brother's wife!

A Little Blue Square!
The Letter A Followed By A Dot!
A Capital Q As In Queen!

Dear  Tempted & confused,

Castrate yourself. That would certainly get you thinking about other things. If you can not bring yourself to do that then please just move on. there are plenty fish in the sea and to be honest being single is far more fun. While I would never condone this with anyone, when you are single you get to PARTY. Every night could be your proverbial party.

However and thisis not a but but a however. However, you are a priest and as such you have certain responsibilities. If you can not stick to them then what kind of man are you. You're not, you're a mouse. Squeek, squeek!!! Many people over the years have resisited temptation. Read the Bible for examples. If you can't resist just a little temptation then what kind of example are you setting the community.

Also you are to darned cute to be a priest and you can do far better than that woman

Good luck!

Miss Thang

Dear Miss Thang,

I'm in love with my brother's wife and she says she loves me. We gave in to temptation once but I had committments and she married him instead. Now I can't stop thinking about her with him. I know they belong together but it's driving me crazy. What can I do?

PS. I'm a good Catholic.

Tempted & Confused
in Sunset Beach, CA.

Hello darlings. You can mail me your beachy problems at my sparkling new E-mail address :

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