You know you're a Mercenary when...
- You respond well to bribery and gratuitous appeals to your
- You have divided loyalties to all the characters but just can't cling to neutrality "like lichen to a stone" the way the Die Hards do.
- You have:
- the cunning and deviousness of LaCroix
- the style and panache of Janette
- Schanke's appreciation for good food
- Natalie's encyclopedic knowlege of everything
- Nick's eternal angst-ridden optimism (and how many people
can pull THAT off!)
- The authoritativeness of Cohen and Stonetree
- Sidney's cute cuddliness
- the perkiness of Tracy
- Vachon's flair and good looks
- Screed's capacity to get into anything
- and a complete addiction to e-mail!
If this sound like you, then you're a mercenary too!
This list was created by Maran, Founder of the Mercenaries, and updated by Mildred, Merc Mommy General and Computer Genius.
Problems, bribes, adulation, and (of course) virtual chocolate to
This site is maintained by Mildred G. Cady, Merc Mommy General and Computer Genuis.