Reporter: Sheela Allen, WCAU-TV.
Anchor: Jerry Penacoli, KYW-TV.
News broadcast: Channel 10 News Update, WCAU-TV.
Spot news: Waiting for Word, Marge Pala, KYW-TV.
Feature news: Little Heroes, Mike Willmann, KYW-TV.
Service news: X-Rays: Use Extreme Caution, Diane Allen, KYW-TV.
Investigative journalism: One Man: His Dream, Your Money, I-Team, KYW-TV.
Live programming: People Are Talking/White-Collar Cocaine Addicts, Pamela Browne, KYW-TV.
Documentary program: Stolen Children, Jeanne McHale Waite, WCAU-TV.
Talk program: People Are Talking/Hermaphroditism, Pamela Browne, KYW-TV.
Entertainment broadcast: Rock 'n' Reality, James Cory Anderson, KYW-TV.
Magazine-format broadcast: Rock 'n' Reality, James Cory Anderson, KYW-TV.
Programming feature: Satisfaction Guaranteed/Dieting for Dollars, Cynthia Fenneman, KYW-TV.
Sports reporting: Bogner Boxing Reversal, Bill Perry, New Jersey Network.
Live sports coverage: Phillies Baseball, Ray Tipton, WTAF-TV.
Host: Vincent Price, KYW-TV.
Actor: Jeff DeHart, KYW-TV.
Artistic director: Peter W. Moyer, KYW-TV.
Director: Robert Ayars, PRISM.
Writer: Nancy Glass, KYW-TV.
Tape/film camera: John L. Wills, KYW-TV.
Tape/film editor: Ira F. G. Raider, KYW-TV.
Audio: William Ludes, WCAU-TV.
Lighting: Manny Whitaker, KYW-TV.
Children's programming: 10 Around Town/Disney World, Kathleen Quaid, WCAU- TV.
Cultural programming: In the Barnegat Bay Tradition, Lou Presti, New Jersey Network.
Public-service announcement (spot): University Hospital Antique Show, Tobey Dichter, SmithKline Corp.
Public-service announcement (campaign): The Album of Black History, Stan Gibell, KYW-TV.
Promotional announcement (spot): Without a Home, H. Brian O'Neill, KYW-TV.
Promotional announcement (campaign): When You Believe in Yourself, H. Brian O'Neill, KYW-TV.
Station editorial: Out in the Cold, Pat Polillo/Jennifer Balick, KYW-TV.
Copyright 1998 by TV News Philadelphia