The PlayPen

Make Your Own Duchov' On A Stick!

The Registration Desk | The Hotel Lobby

You know that feeling you get towards the middle of the week, as the images of Duchov' swirling in your mind began to diminish and disappear; when the impact of last Sunday's Duchov'-Files start to fade away and the days between you and next Sunday night (Fox 9/8 central) appear boundless and dull?...Well? Are you familiar with that torture?! I thought so. But not to worry, my loves! I've discovered the cure! It's cheap! It's easy! Get ready for a lifetime of fun with your Duchov' on a Stick!


A lovely pic of Duchov'

Some cardboard

Kitchen Utensil (such as a wooden spoon)

Tape or Glue


(Got 'em? Good)


1.Clicky Here for your Du Pic and print'em up

2. Once he has popped outta the printer, cut him out real
pretty like.

3. Then glue or tape'em to the cardboard (starting to get
the idea?) and cut around his head.

(At this point you either have a cardboard backed Duchov'
Head or are severely entangled in the tape)

4. Haul ass to the kitchen and swipe a wooden spoon or
something of that sort, an' tape it to the back of the head.

5. Now, my dears, what are you holding in your grubby
little hands? Is it not a Duchov' on a stick?! I promised and I
delivered! Have fun!

(By the way, it might be a good idea to write your
name on the back in non-wash-off-able pen. Otherwise, it is
liable to get mixed up with all the other Duchov'Heads lying around)

WARNING: The DuchovHead is not intended for life-saving purposes. The TallulahLand Hotel is not responsible for any damage caused by The DuchovHead. Be careful.

©1997-2000 The TallulahLand Hotel, "I can smell you from here".

"You're a buncha sickys...take me to your lobby, I want more"

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