Chapter 11

While the whole confrontation was going on in London, Sara and Brooke
were at Port Charles Airport waiting to board flight 166.
B:  “Sara, are you sure about this.  I mean Sonny told you to stay here,
don’t you think he had his reasons?”
S:  “Of course he had his reasons.  He thinks I’m a kid that will get in
the way.  I have to go.  I have to help, I’m not some kid.”
B:  “Sara, I don’t know, I mean he told Ma to make sure you stayed
S:  “I know what he told your Ma.  I just don’t agree.  If your parents
were in trouble would you want to sit and do nothing to help?”
B:  “I guess I would be wanting to help, but…”
S:  “So you know what I’m feeling, so are you coming or not?”
B:  “I’m not letting you go alone, so I’m coming.”
S:  “Good, because it’s our turn to board.”  She said as she gave the
door attendant her ticket.  Brooke handed hers to the attendant as well.

Attendant:  “Have a nice flight.”
B&S:  “Thanks.”
Moments later the girls were sitting in their seats.  Sara looked around
her.  This was the first time in her entire life she had been on a
plane.  It wasn’t so bad, especially if you had a rich friend who could
get you on first class.  She looked at Brooke and smiled nervously.
B:  “Your first time?”
S:  “Yeah.”
B:  Hands her a piece of gum. “Here chew this, it’ll keep your ears from
popping on the way up.”
S:  Took the gum and put it in her mouth.  “Thanks.”  They sat in
silence.  Sara watched as people boarded the plane.  She couldn’t shake
the nagging feeling that something wasn’t right.  She would have shaken
it off as nerves, but it was the same feeling she had right before she
found out about Grandma Jane.  Then she saw him.  The man she believed
had killed Grandma Jane, but was too scared to tell the police about.
S:  “Brooke, I think we are going to be in serious trouble if we don’t
get off this plane now.”
B:  “What?  Still nervous about the flight?”
S:  “No, I mean real serious trouble.”  She grabbed her duffel bag and
Brooke’s arm and got ready to drag them off the plane.
B:  “Wait let me get my bag.”  She grabbed it as Sara was already in the
process of dragging her towards the entrance to the plane.  They fought
the mass of people trying to board the plane until they got into the
walkway corridor.  “Do you mind telling what’s going on?  First you want
go to London, and now you can’t get off the plane quick enough.”
S:  She didn’t answer until they were all they way out of the corridor
and standing inside the airport.  “Grandma Jane’s killer was on that
plane.  I think he followed me here,” She said in a hushed whisper.
B:  “But you don’t know who killed Grandma Jane, so how could he follow
S:  “I don’t know for sure, but I suspect someone.  He was on that plane
dressed as a flight attendant.”
B:  “Don’t you think you are a little paranoid?”
S:  “No I don’t”  She said in a voice that Brooke didn’t think was wise
to argue with.  Sara stood there and watched as the plane got ready for
take off.  She’d miss her chance to go this time, but she was determined
to find another way to get there.  She would not share a plane with a
murderer.  She watched the plane taxi down the runway.  Out of the
corner of her eye she saw the man step out of the corridor and close the
doors.  That was definitely him.  He talked with the desk attendant for
awhile then he walked away and was lost in a crowd of people.  Thank God
he didn’t see me, she thought.  Her eyes still on the plane she watched
in horror as it exploded in a ball of fire as it climbed higher in the
sky.  She looked at Brooke who looked like she was about to
B:  “Sara, that was almost us.  We were on the that plane.”
S:  “I know.”  She had seen death before growing up on the streets, but
never so much at once.  What frightened her more, was that she was on
that plane.  It had almost been them that had gone blown up in that
plane.  She couldn’t help but feel that the flight attendant had
something to do with it.  She looked over at Brooke again.  She wasn’t
taking this well.  She put her arms around Brooke, who was crying.
“Shhh.  It’s okay.  We’re still alive.  Remember that.”
B:  “I know, but all those people.”
As more people began to gather around the scene, Sara thought it would
be best if she got Brooke out of there and to her home.
S:  “Come on, Brooke, we should get home.”
B:  Brooke nodded yes and they began to walk away from the scene.


At the gatehouse, Ned and Lois are frantic.
L:  “What did the airport say, Ned?”  She asked as he got off the phone
with frantic, fearful, lost look.
N:  He turned to face her, the look in his eyes was of shock and
disbelief.  “They have records that Brooke and Sara did indeed board
flight 166.”
L:  “No.  They’re wrong.  They have to be.”
N:  “I’m afraid that they’re right sweetheart.  Sara was set on getting
to London.  The odds are, that they were on that plane.”
L:  “Stop it.  I won’t hear it.  Not until we have concrete evidence.
Even if they were on that plane, we’re not sure if there were survivors.
Maybe they survived.”
N:  Ned took her in his arms.  “I want to believe that Lois, but we have
to prepare ourselves for the worst.”
The doors of the gatehouse opened, and in walked Sara and Brooke.
Brooke cheeks were tearstained, but she wasn’t crying anymore.
L:  “Brooke!”  She ran to the door and pulled Brooke into a hug.  The
tears of sorrow she had a few moments ago were now tears of joy.
“Brooke Baby I thought you were on that plane.”
B:  “We were, but we got off before it took off.  It was awful, Ma.  It
just exploded.  There was fire everywhere.”  She said as she broke down
in tears again.
N:  Ned came over to join the little reunion.  “Princess.  It’s okay.
You’re here now, that’s what matters.  Why don’t you let your mother
take you into the kitchen and get you some tea.”  Brooke and Lois left
for the kitchen.  Ned turned to Sara.  “I’m glad you are okay, but you
are as stubborn as your parents.  You were told specifically to stay
here, and you go right ahead and make plans to got to London.  If that
wasn’t enough you involved my daughter and nearly got her killed!”
S:  “No one was hurt were they?!”  She yelled back.
N:  “No, but that’s not the point.”
S:  “Then what is?  If you would excuse me, I need to call my father so
he doesn’t get as worried as you two were.  Those reports all over the
place, the accident probably made international news by now, and I want
to warn him before he finds out from someone else.”  She said as she
walked past him and to the phone, leaving him stunned.  He wasn’t sure
what to think of her.  She was a stubborn one, tough as nails when she
had to be, very loyal, and he had seen hints of gentleness when she was
with Brooke and Lois.  She didn’t like him that was sure.  Like father
like daughter he thought sadly.

Sara dialed the number her father had given her in case there was an
emergency.  She figured this would definitely qualify as one.
Ring, Ring.  Ring, Ring.  Ring, Ring.  Three rings.  Where was he?
“Morgan here.”
S:  “Jason?  Where’s my dad?”
J:  “Sara?”
S:  “Yeah.”
J:  “Hold on.”
She heard muffled voices in the background.  Something about Jason
needing to handle the phone.  Jason saying this is one you need to
So:  In an anguished voice, “Corinthos here.”
Sa:  “Daddy?”
So:  “Sara?!”
Ned saw her face light up as she talked to Sonny.
Sa:  She smiled.  “Yeah, Daddy, it’s me.  You said not to call in case
there was an emergency, but I had to tell you…”
So:  “Hey Sweetie, It’s okay.  Are you okay?  Is Brooke okay?  The
television said you were on this plane…”  He trailed off not wanting to
think about it anymore.
Sa:  “Yeah, Brooke’s fine.”  He heard him sigh in relief, and whisper
something to someone.  “We were on the plane, but we got off before it
took off.”
So:  “Why did you get off, better yet why did you even get on it?  Wait,
don’t answer that yet.  Someone else here wants to talk to you.”  He
says as Brenda grabs the phone from him.
B:  “Sara?”
Sa:  “Yes.”
B:  “This is your mother.”
Sa:  “Mama?”
Ned’s ears perked up at that.  He silently watched as tears formed in
Sara’s eyes.  He put his finger to his lips to quiet Lois and Brooke who
were entering the living room at that moment.
Sa:  “Oh Mama, I’ve missed you.  I have so much I want to tell you, but
it would probably take all night”
B:  “Honey, we’ll get that time sometime soon, but not right now, okay.”

Sa:  “I’ll hold you to that.”
B:  “I’ll expect you to.”
Sa:  “Can I ask you a question before you go?”
B:  “Anything, honey.”
Sa:  “What’s your favorite color?”
B:  “Red, I think.  I never really thought about it.  Why ask?”
Sa:  “I don’t know anything about you, just wanted to know a little
something.  Mine’s purple.”
B:  “I’ll remember that.”
Sa:  “When are you coming home?”
B:  “I don’t know, but I hope soon.”
Sa:  “Please hurry home.”
B:  “I’m trying.  I hate to cut this short, but I need to go.”
Sa:  “Okay.  Mama, I love you.”
B:  “I love you too, Angel.  With that Brenda gave the phone back to
Sonny and Sara talked about the plane incident, and the flight
attendant.  He warned her to stay in Port Charles again, but was sure
that the warning had fallen on deaf ears.
When the phone conversation was over, she looked at the shocked Ashtons
with a look of pure happiness.  She simply said, “I have a mother.”


Chapter 12

(Note:  This is the same scene as the last one in chapter 11, but

Jason can be heard in the background on his cell phone quietly cursing
someone out about not doing their job.  [My guess would be the
bodyguards that had been put on Sara before Sonny and Jason left.
Apparently Sara had ‘conveniently’ ditched them hours before she left
for the airport.]  Jason was having a hard time being quiet, but he
didn’t want to disturb anyone, so he had retreated to a corner in the
kitchen.  It didn’t matter where he was, no one was paying any attention
to him anyway and he didn’t blame them.  The news was a shock to him,
too, and he was desperately looking for some answers.  He couldn’t help
to feel guilty because Brenda had relied on him to protect Sara, and he
had failed.

Julia is silently sobbing against Tom’s shoulder.

Sonny looked at Brenda shocked.  Had she gone crazy?  He looked at her
again; she was dead serious.  There was no way he was going to leave
her, not after he just found her.
S:  “Brenda, I’m not leaving you like this.”
B:  “Please go.  They took my,…  our daughter.  I won’t let them take
you too.”
S:  “Bren, No one is going to take me from you.  I’d put up a h*ll of a

B:  “They won’t let you fight back.  You just saw what they did to
Sara.”  She looks away from Sonny.   “She didn’t even have a chance.”  A
realization strikes her and she looks back at Sonny.  “You never got a
chance.  You never got a chance to know you were going to be a father.
You have…” She squeezes her eyes shut trying to blot out the reality.
“…had a daughter, Sara.  I was going to tell you that night…” Her
controlled sobbing turns to an uncontrollable sob and her body begins to
tremble.  She mumbles “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” over and over between sobs.

S:  He tightened his grip on her and smoothed some hair away from her
face.  A single tear fell down his face.  “I had a chance sweetheart.
Sara found me a few days ago.”
B:  Looks at him and wipes a few tears from her face.  “She did?”
S:  “Yeah.”  He smiled at the memory.  “When I first saw her she had her
hair up in this fancy do and she was wearing this purple dress.  I
remember thinking what did I do to deserve a daughter as beautiful as
her mother?”  Brenda smiles a little through her tears.  “She could be
tough one moment and very gentle the next.  She was extremely stubborn,
but you could have probably have guessed that.”  They both slightly

Everything is silent for a moment except for Jason’s ranting in the
background to his phone, and the television that was still on.  Sonny
can’t take trying to be calm anymore.  He gets up off the floor and
forcefully hits the off button to the television.  He starts pacing
around the room and starts to shout,  “Why?  Someone tell me why!
Explain why  “they”  killed Sara! Who are “they”?  Is this my fault?
Did I do something?!”

Brenda gets up and tries to follow Sonny around the room.  She grabs one
of his arms and he stops his rant and looks at her.  “Please calm down
Sonny, this wasn’t your fault.  What happened to Sara had nothing to do
with you.”

“Calm down?!  Brenda I just found out my daughter was killed and that my
long lost wife is afraid of some nameless danger that no one bothers to
explain to me.  You expect me to calm down?!  Just how am I supposed to
do that?”

As if on cue, Ring ring.

This is not what Sonny wanted to hear right now.  He didn’t feel like
talking to anyone on the phone.  He pulled the phone out of his pocket.
“Damn phone.  Jason!”  Jason comes over and Sonny hands him the phone.
“Handle it.”  Jason looks confused for a minute but he takes the phone,
barks an order to the phone he has to his ear than goes back to the
kitchen to handle Sonny’s phone.

“Brenda please tell me what’s going on.”

Tom who has been trying to console Julia and keep a close eye on Sonny
and Brenda at the same time speaks up offering warning, “Brenda…”

Brenda who decides now is the time to let out all her frusterations, her
years of pain and hurt, and her grief for the daughter she barely knew
turns to Tom,  “Shut up!  I’m tired of playing this by your rules.  If I
want to tell Sonny I’m going to tell him.”

Jason comes back in the room with the phone again.  “Sonny, you need to
take this call.”

“Jason, I can’t deal with the phone right now, can’t you deal with it or
have them call me back?”

“It’s urgent and you’re the only one who can deal with it.”

“Of all the insensitive things you could make him do right now…” Brenda
started in on Jason.  But she didn’t get to finish.

“It’s about Sara.”

Sonny immediately took the phone from Jason and puts it to his ear.
“Corinthos here.”

“Daddy?”  Was what he heard on the other end, in the sweetest voice he
knew.  It was Sara’s voice.  It had to be.  Fate wouldn’t be so cruel as
to play mind tricks on him would, it?

“Sara?!”  He answered back, in shock, disbelief, and overpowering hope
and love.

“Yeah, Daddy, it’s me…”  Sonny closed his eyes and sighed in relief as
she went on.  He went further in conversation with her until he saw
Brenda looking at him curiously wanting to know what was going on.  He
whispered to Brenda, “She’s alive, both of them” as he went to stand
behind her and positioned the phone so that both of them could hear her.

Brenda gasped as she heard her daughter’s voice.  It was real.  They
hadn’t gotten her.  Just listening to her voice wasn’t enough.  She
began to tug on the phone until Sonny let her have it.  She introduced
herself and when Sara called her “Mama” she felt like she was in
heaven.  That was a word she only dreamed about hearing, and to hear
Sara call her that, it made her feel a mixture of awe, happiness, pride,
sadness, and guilt.  She continued on with the conversation as Sonny
watched her glow with happiness as she talked to Sara.  After a few
minutes she reluctantly gave the phone back to Sonny, but she listened
on.  She couldn’t get enough of hearing her voice.

Sonny hung up the phone and pulled Brenda into his arms.  She buried her
head in his chest and started to sob again.  “Sweetheart, why are you

She looked at him with shining eyes and smiled the smile that always
made his heart melt.  “I’m happy.  Sara called me Mama and her favorite
color is purple.  She’s real which means they didn’t win.”

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