Abby's Creek
For your daily dosage of the creek
Oct. 20 "Home Movies"
Hi! This is Lauren, the creator of Abby's Creek. Now I am obsessed (and I mean OBSESSED!) with this show! Thank God (being Kevin Williamson) for this new show, that actually deals with life and not magic or superpowers and stuff. I mean, those shows are good, but it just gets to the point when you want to scream and throw rocks at the television. And finally a show that doesn't take place in California! I'm from Dartmouth, Massachusetts (about 45 minutes from the Cape) and my family goes to Cape Cod a lot, and FINALLY a show that takes place near my area! I mean, no offense to all those other shows, but you just can't compete with Dawson's Creek! That was corny, but oh well, I'm a Creek Freak. Have fun at Abby's side of the creek!
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