Age: 8 years
Fav. Saying: You Bastards!!!
Religion: Jewish
Likes: Kicking
his brother
Ike like
a football.
Voice: Matt Stone
Episodes: Can be seen in every episode
Stan’s best friend
Always says "Oh my God, they killed Kenny, You Bastard!"
when Kenny gets killed
Likes chocolate milk
Tried to cross breed an elephant and a pig using genetic
A+ student
Dressed up as Chewbacca for Halloween, then as the Solar
System, then as a vampire
Actually killed Kenny on Halloween (chainsawed him in half)
Played Joseph of Aramathea in the School Christmas play
Has an acute case of fecalphelia, was institutionalized for
Mr. Hankey’s best friend
Was supposed to get Cartman the Red Mega-Man for his birthday,
but instead got him "Ants in the Pants", this caused Cartman to flip out
Bought Ms. Ellen a scarf for Valentines day
Deputized by Officer Barbrady to help solve the chicken lover
Won $3000 as a runner up prize on America’s Stupidest Home
Videos (gave it to Cartman for DNA testing)
#7 on the Dodgeball team
Kissed Bebe on the lips in a game of truth or dare