Hello and welcome to the cappucino bar! No there is no real cappucino here, not like I can pour you some, but feel free to stay long enough to sign my guestbook. I appreciate all comments, and I may reply back. Thanks for stopping by!!

12/08/00 03:19:11
Name: carah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Stevie Wonder/Sarah McLachlan Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Shirley Temples Fave Movie: Bob Roberts
Fave TV Show: The West Wing Magazines You Read: The Progressive, Mother Jones Where Would You Live If You Could?: DC or NYC

hi eric! just surfed on in to your site after you joined the west wing egroup....feel free to head on over to my homepage!

12/08/00 03:10:10
Name: Paula My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Eddie Vedder Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Coffee Fave Movie: Godfellas
Fave TV Show: The West Wing Magazines You Read: Newsweek Where Would You Live If You Could?: I don't know...somewhere in front of the sea

Hey,I saw your URL adress in a west wing group and I decide to come here.I see we have a few things in common.I study communications- I want a journalism degree- and after I plan to take a political sciences degree too.I also love Matchbox 20 and a few so gs from Richard Marx.I'm 18 and I liked your page, but yoou should update it more often. Paula

08/15/00 03:39:36
Name: Megan My URL: Visit Me
Fave Singer: Metallica Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): H2O
Fave Movie: Pretty Woman Where Would You Live If You Could?: anywhere sunny and warm

I am so glad that i finally found you(well at least have gottent the chance to talk to you!) It's been MANY years...but I feel like nothing has changed at all! P.S. You're site is awesome!!!!! ~Megan

04/09/00 23:25:54
Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Dion Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Dr. Pepper Fave Movie: The Rock
Fave TV Show: ER Magazines You Read: Glamour Where Would You Live If You Could?: Chicago, IL.

Hey dude! WALLY AND DA BEAV! I have almost no bookmarks on my computer, but your site is on my list, you stud. I was just flipping through the web and I thought, "Shit, why not go visit Eric's site?" Just saying hello!

10/11/99 22:36:28
Name: Chris Benoit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Bob Segar Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Water Fave Movie: The Blues Brothers
Fave TV Show: WCW Thunder Magazines You Read: Hustler, Barely Legal Where Would You Live If You Could?: Anywhere in Canada except Quebec

Nice site, eh?

08/09/99 12:02:40
Name: Kitty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Richard Marx Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): diet coke Fave Movie: tough one, too many to choose
Fave TV Show: Practice, Pretender, Providence Magazines You Read: needlework magazines Where Would You Live If You Could?: A house on a private beach would be nice

Eric, great site! Enjoyed seeing you and getting to know a little more about ya! Can't wait until the next concert on RM chat.....and as always "Satisfied" will forever burn in my mind as our....well you know!.....I'm still LOL about that night.

08/03/99 17:40:37
Name: Charity VanGosen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: too many to choose from Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): um- Pepsi? Fave Movie: again too many to choose from
Fave TV Show: Ally McBeal Magazines You Read: Cosmopolitan Where Would You Live If You Could?: the Virgin Islands

Well, I met you through collegeclub.com, so I figured i would check out you site. Not bad!

07/30/99 03:14:03
Name: lynn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Richard Marx Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Dr Pepper Fave Movie: The Prince Of Tides
Fave TV Show: ER Magazines You Read: George, Esquire, Discovery Where Would You Live If You Could?: Chicago (Next door to Richard Marx)

Hi Eric ! I followed your link from richardmarx.com - great site... See you on the posting board.

06/22/99 18:10:00
Name: Nancy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Alice in Chains-Layne Staley Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Sharps Fave Movie: Matrix
Fave TV Show: Futurerama Magazines You Read: Spin Where Would You Live If You Could?: Living w/a man! ;D

I trippen4 was here!

04/14/99 12:43:28
Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Dion (DiMucci, not Celine) (not that Celine is bad) Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Dr. Pepper Fave Movie: The Big Lebowski
Fave TV Show: ER Magazines You Read: The Economist... Where Would You Live If You Could?: Los Angeles or Chicago

Hey Eric!!! Just dropping in to say hey. Nice page!

03/11/99 11:55:19
Name: Tara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Mariah Carey Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): power ade Fave Movie: good will hunting
Fave TV Show: tool time Magazines You Read: *lol* Where Would You Live If You Could?: hmm...numerous places

Hey my murby:) i like your page.. thanks hun for everything:) you're so sweet.. love you:)

01/31/99 18:42:50
Name: Darlene My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Garth Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Mt Dew

I'm a AGS mom. just thought I would check on your web page to see what info you have about AGS for your friends.

01/24/99 00:45:01
Name: Glenda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: none Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): mountain dew Fave Movie: none
Fave TV Show: party of 5 Magazines You Read: yahoo Where Would You Live If You Could?: with you eric(hi friend)

i told you that i would visit your web pages and it is very interesting. you are also a busy man. i do not think you are as shy as you say you are. glenda

12/19/98 18:21:59
Name: Corinne Catapano My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Rod Stewart Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Orange Juice Fave Movie: Braveheart
Fave TV Show: The X-files Magazines You Read: Readers Digest Where Would You Live If You Could?: Russia

I'm glad that you liked my webpage- I fixed it so you'll have to check it again! I like your page too; I hope that you like Purdue better than Ball State! ~Corinne

11/06/98 19:49:59
Name: Sal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Good question... Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Crystal Light Fave Movie: Goonies
Fave TV Show: Dawson's Creek, 7th Heaven, Party of Five, Felicity Magazines You Read: who has time??? Where Would You Live If You Could?: in a huge house in the country

Eric, your web page is great!!! You'll have to show me how to do this!!!

10/30/98 04:44:43
Name: Kekla My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: ?????? Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Fruit Punch Fave Movie: The Princess Bride (and others)
Fave TV Show: Friends Magazines You Read: none Where Would You Live If You Could?: Africa

Hey Eric! I like your page. It's cool. :-)

10/09/98 04:31:40
Name: Joe Anderson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: Eddie Vedder Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Root Beer Fave Movie: Indiana Jones & Last Cr
Fave TV Show: Simpsons Magazines You Read: too many to list Where Would You Live If You Could?: Rocky MT states.

Hey Eric, just signin' in Hope to get to know ya- AGS clan Unite! and we'll conquer the world! or maybe just the U.S. Ok just a state or two

08/28/98 17:03:45
Name: Erin/UNC My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: John Lennon Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Lipton's Peach Iced Tea Fave Movie: Mall Rats
Fave TV Show: Dawson's Creek Magazines You Read: YM, Tripod's Tools for Life Where Would You Live If You Could?: Either Washington State or Niagara Falls, Canada

Hey there. You looked me up on tantra, so I thought the only polite thing to do would be to check out your web page and sign your guestbook. I haven't really looked at your web page much, just so that you know, but I intend to after I sign your guestboo . Also, since I noted the Stupid Human Tricks, I guess you have a priviledge to know what they are: I can twist my feet backwards, independently move my eyes, fit a q-ball in my mouth, recite the ABC's backwards in less than 5 secs, and play the trumpet with my teeth (no instrument, I just blow air against my teeth and it sounds EXACTLY like a trumpet!). So, can I be on David Letterman now?

05/03/98 17:53:37
Name: Eric My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Fave Singer: RM Fave Drink (Not-Alcoholic!): Pepsi Fave Movie: Crimson Tide
Fave TV Show: Ally McBeal Magazines You Read: US, George, Esquire Where Would You Live If You Could?: Seattle

Just checkin' to make sure this thingee works...LOL! Thanks to those above who sign my guestbook in the future! -Eric:)

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