A short time ago in a galaxy right here… War of Chaos Episode 8: The Apple Microsoft Alliance

:: Insert Star Wars Music:: Several years after the Cad Invasion, Rama, Adit, Chewing Gum, 4dthio, Clipit, Greg, and Holy One Pinoki find themselves looking at a possible escape for Microsoft. Having put all of their efforts in the upcoming attack, it would be advantageous to the rebels if they kept Microsoft from moving to a new location. Meanwhile, Britney Spears and Cad Man have left this side of the globe, and went to Europe where they began another conversion there. And Gator finds Princess Peon and a group of rebels. He asks them where Clipit is, for that droid has all of the information on the Emperor's new Death Converter, a massive weapon of destruction. While going on a secret mission to shut down the propeller system for the Microsoft Headquarters, Holy One Pinoki meets up with a former of his students. Narf Gator. After a long and violent battle, Pinoki sacrifices himself to save the rebels. The only thing Rama must do, is seek out the one called Yoga, for he holds all the answers for the past, present, future, and all lottery numbers…

:: Insert Darth Vader Music:: Narf Gator stood, staring outside into the landscape when Emperor Gates came by behind him. " Master, within the group of rebels that escaped yesterday, I felt something. Something strong in the ways of the doors." Gator said. " I felt it too my friend. It is nothing of any concern. However, I fear that this Rama whom you felt, may be the last person we need in my empire, to finally overthrow the Apple power, and the doors. Soon all will obey me. Has the princess said anything more?" Gates asked pacing behind Gator in his cloak. " Not yet my master." Gator replied. " Gator, the new Death Converter shall be complete very soon. I want the rebels to feel the pain and suffering before we overthrow them. I foresee something my friend. Soon, the rebels will ask us to ally with them. It shall be a trap; however, it is wise to enter with caution, for Rama is there. It will be an easy way to convert him to the DOS side." " What about Yoga. Perhaps Rama has seeked training from him." Gator said with concern. " Do not concern yourself with that. Even with Yoga's training, Rama will not be able to resist the power of the DOS side. He, just like you, will be MINE!!! HE WILL NOT BE SPARED!!! HE WILL NOT!!!"

" Are you sure you want to do this?" Adit asked. " Yes Master Rama, is it not dangerous to go off to some unknown part of Mexico under these harsh conditions?" 4dthio asked. " Don't worry about me. For all I know, this Yoga may be the key to our victory. In the meantime, Jonathan, how have you done with our plan?" Rama asked. " I sent the transmission. I am sure Gator will not pass the opportunity to ally with us. And when he comes, we will place him into our trap. MEWAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!!" Jonathan laughed. " What if the trap has a hole in it?" Greg asked. " Yeah, what if!" Nurdin added. " First of all, I will insure that that does not happen. And second, I THOUGHT YOU WERE CRUSHED BY A COW!!!" Jonathan yelled. " Oh yeah, well here I am!" Nurdin said smiling. Chewing came up behind Nurdin and lifted him up. " HEY PUT ME DOWN YOU BALL OF CHEWING GUM!!!" " ROOOOOOOOAAAAAR!!!" Chewing yelled. He bent back, and with all him might, smashed Nurdin into the floor. " Nice job Chewing." Adit said. " Yeah." Jonathan added. " Do not worry. Clipit will come with me. Besides, Holy One is still her guiding me." Rama said. A ghost appeared in front of Greg. " AHHHHHH!!! MILK!!!" Greg yelled. " Calm down Greg." Holy One's spirit said. " Although I am dead, my sprit lives on." " That is so cheap." Greg said. " I know!" Holy One said. " And would you believe that I turn into a werewolf at night?" Everyone looked at Holy One with a crazy look. " What, you never heard of a ghost who turns into a werewolf a night? Geez!" Rama shook his head. " Well, I gotta get going. If any trouble happens, tell me. I will fly here to help you guys ASAP!" Rama said getting into the ship. Clipit flew into the back of the ship also, and Holy One disappeared. The ship flew away, and headed for Mexico where training would begin…

::Insert Darth Vader Music:: " Master, we are getting a transmission from the rebels." Gator said to Gates. " Very well, hear them out, say yes to anything they say." Gates said. Gator nodded and walked up to the screen where Jonathan's face appeared. " Good day to you rebel scum!" Gator said. " Do not mock me Gator. I only talk on matters of strict business. We wish to form an alliance with you." Jonathan said. " I see. What are the conditions?" Gator asked. " You must come here, with an army if you wish to talk over the terms." " Would it not be better here?" Gator asked. " Come on, last time I came over to your house!!! You come over here this time!!!" Jonathan said. Gator looked back, and Gates nodded. " As you wish. When will this take place?" " Tomorrow at noon." Jonathan said. " I will arrive there." Gator said. The screen turned off and Gates began to laugh. " Stupid rebels, they have no idea what they are getting themselves into!" Gates laughed.

Rama arrived at the location that Holy One had told him to. It was a dry desert, with a tiny house in the middle. Rama landed the ship, and Clipit ran out. " This is the place Clipit." Rama said. Clipit beeped. " No, I am sure. This is the place. But what kind of idiot would live here?" " An idiot am I?" A creaky voice said behind them. Rama turned around startled. " Startled you did I? Learn you must to expect the unexpected." The voice said. Rama could now see the figure. He was a short green frog, with the words "Kermit the Frog" written on his cloak. " Do you know where I can find Yoga?" Rama asked. " Ask stupid questions you do. Feel it I can! Thought only idiot live here, no? If idiot you look for, no idiot here?" Kermit said. " Do you know Yoga or not?" Rama said impatiently. " Know him I do." " Where can I find him?" " Find him you shall, under your nose!" Kermit said. Rama looked under his nose and shook his head. " No one there!" Rama said. Clipit beeped: " Oh, you think he meant it as an expression? Well, I got it, YOU ARE YOGA!!!" " Long enough it took you!" Kermit said. " But why the name Yoga, Kermit would be much better!" Rama said smiling. " Names are not the ways of the doors. Judge by names you do, and forever misfortune come! My words you must listen to." Kermit said. " Very well. Train me. I want to take revenge on Narf Gator for killing Holy One!" Rama said. " Patience." Kermit said. " In time you shall be trained." Several years later: " Can we train now! CAN WE START???" Rama asked. " NO! Patience you must have!" Kermit said. " I lost it all the first day!" Rama said. OK OK!! That was cheap, rewind!!!! " Why cannot I be trained now?" Rama said. " Speed is not matters. Quality of knowledge in speed is what matters. Says I!" Kermit said. " Master Yoga, I cannot see the point of this." Rama said impatiently. Kermit took out a large pointy sword: " See the point now do you?" " Yep! That's the point!" Rama said. " Learn fast you do!" Yoga said. " Attune yourself in the ways of the doors. Shut down all other applications inside your head!" " Am I sure I want to log off?" Rama asked. " Sure as salt!" Kermit said. Rama did as he was told, and closed his mind to all but the doors. " See what do you?" Kermit asked. " I see a door." Rama said quickly. " Open it." Kermit said. Rama looked at the door in his mind, and opened it. " See what do you now?" " I see and open door." Rama said. " Look closer." Kermit said. Rama looked closer, and saw, A WINDOWS LOGO!!! Rama gasped. " This is the DOS side of the doors. You must close your mind of this hatred and evil, then, and only then shall you be attuned to the doors." Rama squinted, clearly he was concentrating. " Good. Learn fast you do. Faster that speeding bullet, faster that turtle, faster that fast! Faster than Gidley!" Kermit said proudly. " Now you are attuned to the doors." Kermit said. " That was it!" Rama asked a bit surprised. " All that is." Kermit replied. " Only one thing remains. That you face Gator." Kermit said a bit in a chilling voice. Rama made his hands into fists: " I will confront him. Train me more so I can defeat him." Rama said. Yoga replied: " Extra 200 dollars cost it is."

Narf Gator arrived at the rebel base, and was met by several guards accompanying Jonathan. " Greetings rebel. Why have you brought guards?" Gator asked. " To insure safety." Jonathan replied. Gator shook his head and made a C with his hands. He then brought the C to a close, and the guards fell in pain. " There is no need for them." Gator said. Jonathan made fists: " You will not kill my own people here Gator!" " I can do whatever I want rebel! Where are we to discuss the matters of our peace treaty?" Gator asked. Jonathan sighed and replied: " Through those doors." " Proceed in them." Gator said. Jonathan and Gator walked into the room where Adit, Chewing, and Greg waited for the ambush…

Rama woke up from sleeping. He could feel a disaster about to happen. " Sleep you cannot?" Kermit asked. " No I cannot. My thoughts are occupied by my friends." Rama said. " I feel as if something bad will happen to them." " A decision you must make?" Kermit asked. " I want to go back to my friends. I see them in danger." " Training not completed. 3 dollar fee remains!" Kermit said. " Pay, and leave you shall!" " But my friends!" Rama insisted. " Friends not worth 3 dollar! Money first, leave later!" Yoga said louder. Rama shook his head. " Master Yoga, I will return, I promise. Upon my return I will bring money, and then we shall finish. Please allow me to return to my friends." Yoga thought for a moment rubbing his chin and smiled with the look of wisdom. He understood. Rama smiled about to leave when Yoga said: " Too bad, MONEY YOU SHALL GIVE NOW!!!" Rama could take no more. He picked up a rock, and slammed it on Yoga's head rendering him unconscious. . " Sorry Yoga, but I will return." Rama said. He hoped into the ship and flew back to their base.

Gator walked into the room and suddenly guards sprang up from everywhere, surrounding him. It was a trap as Gates had foreseen it. " OK everyone. Hold him here." Jonathan said. He took out his communicator and talked into it. " We have him captured. Commence attack on the Microsoft Headquarters. Without Gator, they are sure to loose." Outside, thousands upon thousands of rebels ran outside and continued running into the distance. Several Max Men followed them. They all headed toward the Microsoft Headquarters where an attack would begin.

Gator looked at Jonathan who smiled: " Sorry Gator, we do not ally with Windows Users from the DOS side." Gator waited for the signal. Jonathan's communicator talked: " Jonathan, all of the rebels have left the base." Then just as Jonathan was about to talk, Gator used the force of the DOS side, and flung the guards into the walls. Adit came up and lunged at Gator, but Gator flung him aside as well. The guards clearly terrified, ran away. Jonathan and Adit followed them. Gator smiled and said: " Run rebels, you shall come to a dead end. Meaning, you will all come to a dead end! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!"

Rama's ship landed in the rebel base. It was too quiet. There was no sound. A little too quiet. " Yes I know Clipit." Rama said. " Rebels make noise. No noise, means no rebels." Rama said. Clipit beeped: " To the Bat Mobile!" Rama said. He then lowered his head while Clipit beeped and Rama said: " Yes, I mean let's walk." The walked through the corridors when suddenly Rama felt something. A disturbance in the doors. Rama ran towards the source. He stopped. At the end of the hallway, stood Gator, with his converterapier out and activated. Rama motioned for Clipit to walk away from this battle, and then took out his chaosaber. " I have waited for this moment for a long time Gator!" Rama said activating his saber. " As have I, rebel!" Gator said lunging at Rama. Rama blocked the rapier with his saber and the collision made a large spark. Rama and Gator fought on like this for several hours, bloody, until finally Gator spoke: " I am tired, shall we go grab some food?" Rama nodded. " We should."

A few minutes later at the rebel bar: " Now you see Gator, this is what is wrong with most stories. In most stories, the villain and the hero fight and fight. Even when they reach hunger, they do not stop. We on the other hand actually stop. Kinda cheap huh!" Rama said shoving a fry into his mouth. " Quite correct rebel." Gator said. He took one last sip of his drink and then got up. " Shall we continue?" " We shall." Rama said. " Is it OK if we fight on that plank thingy to make it more dramatic?" Gator asked. " Why not?" Rama said. The two walked to the narrow plank, and activated their weapons for another launch of weapons. They lunged at each other with more ferocious strikes this time. " You cannot win Gator!" Rama said. This angered Gator, and then he got angry. He used his powers and flung a piece of cheese at Rama. " This is the DOS side!" Gator yelled. " Feel its wrath!" Gator said, as a table hit Rama. Rama fell. Taking advantage of the situation, Gator brought the rapier down on Rama. Rama screamed in pain as he held up his severed hand. " Bye Rama, me join Adams family now!" the hand said running away. " Surrender Rama!" Gator said. " Join the DOS side, and we can rule the world!" " Never! You killed Holy One, and Sina!" Rama said still in pain. " No Rama, I am Sina!" Gator said. " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Wait a minute yes. YEEEEEEEEESSS!!!!" Rama yelled. " I will never join you! You have not seen the last of me Gator!" Rama said jumping off of the plank and into some deep pit. " NO RAMA!!! You fool!" Gator said watching as Rama fell. He heard someone yell OW and Rama saying " Thanks Nurdin for breaking my fall." Then Gator realized. Rama went into the shuttlebay, and flew away to meet up with Yoga to get more training. Rama would give Gator this round. Why hadn't Holy One told his who Gator really was. Why? Something deep inside Rama kept saying that the disaster would happen, he just hoped he would be there to prevent it…