A short time ago in all of space right here…


Episode Seven: The Fall of Woodlands


            Eight could feel his head getting slightly lighter as his concentration slowly began to slip, "Jack, I cannot do this for much longer… the energy we are gathering here is far to great…its very straining!"

            Jack replied bluntly, "We get no other chance… this is it for a final assault against them and it will use up most of our telekinetic energy. We have to make it count… Keep going until you stop completely from total exhaustion!"

            Eight frowned, he wished he had the kind of determination Jack had, but it was very hard. The amount of discipline Jack had had always amazed Eight when it came to battles…When he wasn’t trying, Jack seemed quite evil. But when he was trying as hard as he could, his soul seemed to take a darker turn in that he would suddenly become dark and sinister, seeking only to destroy the enemy. Nothing more, nothing less, and at all costs.

            Eight took another breath and continued…


            "CURSE YOU!" Stephanie yelled blasting at the wall Jack and Eight had surrounded them with. Neither she nor Steve had ever seen the attack done with this magnitude. Since they watched Jack and Eight each in their individual Telekinetic Olympics Tournaments, they had seen great telekinetic potential, but never this great.

            Steve frowned and said: "Stephanie, let them wear themselves out… there is no chance for them, no matter how much energy they gather! WBAHWAHA!" He closed his eyes and started singing,

"Once there was a foolish boy who stepped out of his tube,

he looked around and saw himself standing in the nude…

He grew up eventually, getting very much stronger,

but the source of his anger, he could never truly muster.

Until there came two godly beings, who danced and pranced upon his stage,

Took him from his powerful freedom, and reduced him in a cage,

And there his mind was torn apart, his soul ripped within,

And that is when he started killing…KILLING HIS OWN KIN!"

Steve started laughing, "That’s right Jack! Blame us for influencing your mind… but it was still YOUR mind that created the atrocities of your timeline! It was you who destroyed the countless lives, it was you who toppled the civilisations of the galaxy! YOUR NO BETTER THAN WE ARE!!!!"

At that moment, Jack felt his mind slip completely and he couldn’t hold it back any longer. Neither could Eight. A bright flash of light surrounded the area and slowly spread throughout the Multiverse. Energy piled and crashed upon Stephanie and Steve, the wrath of Eight and Jack was finally upon them…


Within the atmosphere of our planet, the sounds of war cries filled the skies. People flying here and there, screaming with anger and motivation to get rid of an enemy that had been placed before them.

The cried of the Drama students were heard most clearly for they had had plenty of vocal training (as had some of the music students). Over the horizon, a large army was flying with great speed towards this very area. John Fraser was nearing.

Sina floated in thin air, his eyes closed, his hands covering his ears. The Cawthra, Lorne Park and Gordon Greydon students had no clue why their enemies has suddenly stopped attacking. They were all curled up and covering their ears as if under attack by some unheard foe.

" Maybe all that math finally got to them…" Someone said. There was a cry and a loud sound of a large army flying into the battlefield.

            " What is this? Why have you not left any fun for the students at John Fraser?" Someone asked crossing his arms. The John Fraser students all wore the same outfit, a perfectly symmetrical outfit that seemed to shine. It was almost blinding.

            " They just stopped fighting!" One of the Cawthra students yelled.

            " COWARDS! They have withdrawn from battle! Surrender your forces Woodlands!" The John Fraser student yelled.

            Sina smiled as he read their lips and understood what they were saying. He yelled, "NO! YOU SURRENDER!!! HIT IT JIBBY!!!!"

            There was a feeling of total silence that made the hair on everyone's hair stand on end. The enemy students looked from left to right expecting a large unseen army to appear but nothing happened. The silence continued until someone noticed that a really low pitched frequency was slowly rising causing things to slowly vibrate…and then came the terrible sound.


            The sounds in the sky increased as all the enemy students began to scream and holler for their ears were near explosion at the incomprehensible, off note, shrill singing that Jibran had put forth. Cawthra's students (who had only been used to semi-good singing fell immediately at the horror that was heard). Jibran continued on and one by one, students fell to the ground screaming in pain. Everyone except the Woodlands and Mcbride students and their forces. They floated in the air, completely immune to the attack which had rendered their enemies useless.

            The hovering robots that were originally floating above the Woodlands preventing any escape began to fall down. The Woodlands School began to rise up into the air in a moment of sheer glory. Its hover pads boosted it higher and higher up into the air.

            Nurdin pointed at the sky and gave a loud screeching rooster sound. "SQQQUUUUAAACKKKK!!! REEEFOOORRRMMM!!!" The massive army of birds began to fly higher and higher up into the air following the school. Jon gave the motion for all of the Drama students to fly higher up into the air as well as they followed. Rama waved his spear at the skies and the McBride students flew up as well. Finally, Roddy and Isaque both made hand gestures that caused the Gundam armies and the Fox Girl armies to fly as well.

            The school floated up higher and higher up into the air in a blaze of glory. The Woodlands students threw up their arms in a happy cheer as they realised they had won the day.

            " WERE GONNA MAKE IT!" Jibran thought as they slowly reached the atmosphere line. Then suddenly, up ahead they saw a bright flash of light. Out in space, Eight and Jack had just unleashed their energies at Stephanie and Steve and the force was so great that just the very light being displayed pushed objects away from the area.

            The Woodlands school tipped completely on its side, rolling in the atmosphere as the energy hit them and sent them hurtling back towards the ground. All of the armies fell down as well, even the bird armies who apparently forgot how to fly suddenly.

            " WHAT THE? NOOOO!!!" Jibran yelled falling out of his seat and landing on a wall. "EVERYONE! HOLD ON TO SOMETHING! ACTIVATE PARACHUTES!" The parachutes did not open because of a jam caused by many balls caught in the way. The school fell through the ozone lighting up slightly leaving a trail of smoke behind it. Everyone fell with it as well.

            Nurdin saw his school falling in a fast frenzy and did the only noble thing he could do. He squawked something in Burdish and the armies flew down under the school and started to flap as fast as they could.


            Inside the school, Jibran was on his knees in prayer. Several other students were chanting: "Oh Lord oh mighty, please let not this school fall to its doom, and no damage come to its students. For we are good and kind people… not like those John Fraser bastards… but excuse my language good lord for we are merely quite angry that we are going to die… So please let not so many lives end needlessly…unless you really suck…amen…"

            Some small child in the corner was praying to some unknown God named Banchod: "And so Banchod the great admirer of the ass, please let not this school fall to its doom, cause that would really suck eh? So if you let us live, then I will promise to devote all of my time to you…for you are good…and I like you a lot… so please let me live!!!"

            The mood of spiritualism was ruined when some atheist yelled: " OH ITS ALL OVER PEOPLE! WE DON’T HAVE A PRAYER! WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

            The school erupted into chaos at that moment. People started pushing and shoving each other up the halls and onto the ceilings (which had now become the floors cause the school was upside down). People fell all the way across the halls and teachers yelled,

            " NO FALLING IN THE HALLS!"

            Jibran held onto his chair and took out his old orange hat. He sat in the chair, holding onto it for dear life. He placed the hat on his head and said: "Who died…we did… ah shit…" And then he raised his hands in one final effort to appear cool and "with the crowd", "Yo guy… were shit screwed…goodbye my homies…"



            The birds flapped as much as they could, sweat trickling off their foreheads. The school fell faster and faster, gaining more speed and momentum. The whole school was falling to its doom, the birds did not have enough strength… Jibran appeared to be right for once…they were screwed.

            " GOOD BYE EVERYONE!" Nurdin yelled. The birds crowed at him in farewell. Suddenly, the school felt slightly less heavier and Nurdin heard,

            " No farewells will be said today my friend…" Rama said despite all his insides saying Nurdin was his enemy from long ago. Nurdin smiled and a tear came into his eyes,

            " Thank you…friend…" He said. And Nurdin, his army of birds, Rama and his army of Mcbride students began to slow down the fall of the school…but it was still not enough to save them from total destruction.

            Then Rama saw that to his side, Sina, Jon, Adit, Gordon, Tori, Chrissy, Graham, Greg, Jia, Ambrose, Aaron, Roddy, Michelle, Isaque, Gordon S, Tom, Craig, all of their following armies and the teachers were all under the school flying against the force of gravity.


            Mr. Ramwa was yelling, "WE NEED MORE VODKA!"

            And Mr. Gidley was trying to say something, but he was too slow to say it.

            In 10 seconds, the school would fall to its total doom. Everyone gave all they had to stop the fall but it just wasn’t enough. Suddenly, Jon had an idea, "EVERYONE! ON THE COUNT OF THREE! ONE…TWO…THREE!!!!" And everyone gave an equal push at the same time.

            " AHHH!!! WERE GONNA DIE!!!" Everyone yelled. Adit (being one of the tallest people) felt the heel of his shoe just barely touch the ground. The school began to hover and then slowly began to rise very slowly,

            " WE DID IT!!!" Someone yelled. And with that a loud roar of cheering flooded the area. Woodlands students had united against the force of gravity and kicked its ass. Sina spat at the ground and said,

            " UP YOURS GRAVITY! 9.8 meters a second downward my ass!!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!" More cheering flooded the area as people threw up their hands and cheered at once…


            Inside, Jibran was screaming his head off. "WE ARE SOOO DEAD! OH GOD!! NOOO!!! WE ARE DEAD! SHIT HELL DAMN SHIT!!!! NOOOO!!! DEAD NOOO!! I AM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!! NO DADDY NO!!! NOOOO!!! AHHH!!" Until he felt a foot kick him,

            " Get up please…" Jibran opened his eyes and saw that he was on the ground being kicked at by Mrs. Brayman.

            " UP??? WERE FALLING WOMAN! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Jibran yelled running about. Then he realised that although he was running, the ground appeared to be quite stable.

            He kicked at the ground just to make sure and found that they had stopped. "WE ARE ALIVE!!! HOLY CHEESE ON A STICK!!! HOLY CAMELS THAT I HAVE EATEN!!! YES!!! WOODLANDS KICK ASS!" And even within the school, cheering and joy erupted as people realised they were happy to be alive. Everyone except for the one kid who had been praying to Banchod who said,

            " Just kidding… I will not devote any of my time to you! SUCKER!" And then he randomly had a heart attack and passed on…


            Outside, random sparkly things began to fly around as did many ribbons and colourful banners. Cake was also flying around along with party hats and crazy patterned Kleenexes. Everyone was eating cake, telling each other how excited they really were (as opposed to the truth that they were scared shitless) and commemorating each other on a job well done.


            Another voice said, "Don’t you mean, OR we will kill you?"

            "NO I MEANT AND WE WILL KILL YOU!" The Woodlands students frowned and stared at the large armies that were surrounding them.

            The Drama students stepped forward and yelled, "NEVER DISRUPT A PARTY!" The other armies stepped forward as well and stood in a very strong line, quite intimidating. They all had their weapons in their hands ready to use them once again. Then they all spoke in one unified voice,

            " BRING IT ON BITCHES!!!"

            And the war recommenced…