Part 9
Peter met Xia's eyes once again, the anger giving him strength and a plan. Looking down, he saw that the bloodstain from the freshly opened wound had grown. A stream of blood flowed and pooled on the floor and he knew he probably would not last to be next on the altar.
A feather touch to his mind told him help was on the way. Hope replaced doubt and he got ready to set his plan in motion. Still kneeling on the floor, he rolled into Scott, who had been caught up in watching Alexander mount the alter and run his hands up the dagger's trail, stopping at the apex of Mary Margaret's thighs.
Alexander felt the softness of Mary Margaret's skin beneath his fingers. In Alexander's mind, he dreamed this was Xia, giving herself to him. He eased himself up further along Mary Margaret's body, supporting his weight on one hand and both knees as he felt his way further up her body. His eyes were glazed over as he bent down to kiss her, salvia drooling from his mouth, the leer never leaving.
Mary Margaret turned her head and shifted her body, trying to prevent this from happening. The salvia ran down her neck as another drop fell onto her cheek. Alexander's stale breath against her cheeks made bile rise in her throat. 'I'm going to be sick' was all she could think of as he leaned down to kiss her. She didn't notice Peter's lunge at his captor's legs or Scott's head hitting the corner of the steps, or that Peter didn't move any more after that.
The commotion halted Xia as she watched in delight as Alexander prepared himself to enter Mary Margaret's body. A thud behind her made her turn.
"Freeze! Police!" Strenlich shouted behind her.
A fight came through the doors on the opposite side of the room. Xia's guards began to do battle with the four intruders. Xia recognized Caine. "Alexander, now!"
Alexander's drug-frenzied brain didn't register the order from the large officer, only that from Xia. He pressed his mouth over Mary Margaret's again, rubbing her sides down to her thighs. He arched himself up, ready to thrust himself into her body.
A flash of light from the dagger still in Xia's hand made Strenlich train his weapon on her, not seeing the struggle on the altar, and only hearing the ensuing fight on the other side of the room.
A movement to the right and a scream took his attention away from Xia for a second. Mary Margaret was struggling beneath Alexander, trying to avoid her attacker. "Stop or I'll shoot!" he bellowed. A single bullet shot out and sped toward Alexander's head, its entrance wound small but its exit leaving a gaping hole where his ear should have been. Blood and brain matter splattered over Mary Margaret blanketing her face and hair. She turned her head to vomit as his full weight brought him down on top of her, his empty skull next to her face.
Strenlich ran to Mary Margaret, momentarily forgetting about Xia, his only concern to help his fellow officer. Another guard ran up to Strenlich, punching at his face. Strenlich blocked the blow, but the force knocked his gun from his hand. With his other fist, he pounded into the guard's abdomen, then knocked him up side the head with his gun hand. The attacker went down, dazed from the battle. Frank retrieved his gun and looked around. Xia was no longer there.
The crowd who had been watching the ceremony scattered, trying to avoid the fighting of the four men who had entered their temple. Among them, the four took out the five guards that stood near the doors -- Caine and Lo Si using kung fu techniques to disarm their opponents, and Kermit and Paul used their training as mercenaries and officers to subdue theirs.
Uniformed officers boiled into the room, capturing some of the crowd and placing handcuffs on the more violent prisoners.
The fighting ended with minor pains to the members of the Dragonswing. Paul and Caine rushed to the altar when they heard a low moan and saw Strenlich bending over a person draped in white.
Paul reached Peter first, finding him in extreme pain, gasping for air. Peter's eyes widened as he saw Caine and the nightmare again showed itself. "No, please. No more," whispered, even though he now knew the truth. Whispy smoke continued to rise from the smoldering pipe, only inches from Peter's head, the drugs effects clouding Peter's mind.
Paul looked at Caine and saw the grief and sorrow on his face. "Caine, help Kermit and Frank with Mary Margaret. Lo Si and I will take care of Peter."
Paul turned his attention back to their son and gently brushed the sweaty hair from Peter's forehead as Lo Si untied the young man's hands. "It's all right, Son. It's all over. Just relax," Paul encouraged the blood-soaked captive.
Peter kept his eyes on Paul's face as he felt a warm touch of Los Si's hands moving down his body.
"He must get to a hospital, soon," Lo Si stated, concern evident in his voice and aged eyes.
"Mary Margaret?" Peter's strength was failing, but he had to do two things before he gave in to the overpowering darkness that hovered just out of his vision.
"She's fine. Your father's with her," Paul answered, his voice soft and filled with sadness. He knew Peter was slowly slipping away from them. "Peter, you have to know, Caine had nothing to do with this."
Peter nodded slightly. "I know. Tell, tell him I know." A long deep breath followed by short gasps made Paul grab Peter's hand and squeeze. Peter's breathing eased. "Dad, tell Mom and Pop, I love you all." Then Peter allowed the darkness and numbness to claim him.
Peter didn't hear Paul' reply. "We love you, too, Son," or Caine's cry of sorrow.
Caine's silent tear escaped as he overheard the quiet conversation between Paul and Peter. He turned his attention back to the woman he cared for, and saw the tears of sadness and gratitude.
Kermit had closed her robe around her as Frank untied the bonds that held her to the table. Each man tried to hide their embarrassment, but couldn't help but notice the bloody trail up her legs, the red areas from the harsh groping, or the tears welling up in her eyes.
Caine helped Mary Margaret to sit up and held out his arms to hold her. She leaned into his protective embrace, grateful for his strength.