Viewers: AMC, quit these news reports on my TV!
Now, Sam Donaldson's annoying me,
So I sent E-mail to ABC.
Tad: Oh Jinkies! I'm just not the man I used to be.
I've got "Joy" floating over me.
and yesterday... she SPOKE to me!
Why I'm obsessed so, I don't know. The script don't say.
She threw a smoke bomb. That was all for yesterday.
Adam: Yesterday, I kissed Liza but no one did see.
Death had almost come to call for me...
It was delayed by ABC.
Viewers: Why'd they ruin the show for this junk, during the day?
We don't want the news!! Now we missed most yesterday!!
So you see, "Year of the Soap" it's a joke..tee-hee
Watch the ratings spiral downwardly...
It's not the show... it used to be.