Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney)
[Author: GaerielSky ;-)]

AMC, quit these news reports on my TV!
Now, Sam Donaldson's annoying me,
So I sent E-mail to ABC.

Oh Jinkies! I'm just not the man I used to be.
I've got "Joy" floating over me.
and yesterday... she SPOKE to me!
Why I'm obsessed so, I don't know. The script don't say.
She threw a smoke bomb. That was all for yesterday.

Yesterday, I kissed Liza but no one did see.
Death had almost come to call for me...
It was delayed by ABC.

Why'd they ruin the show for this junk, during the day?
We don't want the news!! Now we missed most yesterday!!

So you see, "Year of the Soap" it's a joke..tee-hee
Watch the ratings spiral downwardly...
It's not the show... it used to be.