g = grin
vbg = very big grin
vbeg = very big, evil grin
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
AOL = America OnLine
P* = Prodigy
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My A** Off
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion or IMO = In My Opinion
BTW = By The Way
TTYL = Talk To You Later, TTYS = Talk To You Soon, or TTFN = TaTa For Now
bbs = bulletin boards
BBS = Black Bean Soup
SASE = Self- Addressed, Stamped Envelope
SB = SnowBears, your humble editor who loves to make comments which appear in
[ ].
: ) is a smiley face
: ( is a sad face
[Also, all caps is considered shouting on the Internet so asterisks around a word, like *this*, indicate stress on that word - like underlining, which, unfortunately, doesn't translate across the net in most formats.]
Of course, DS = David Soul, PG = Paul Glaser, DSAC = David Soul Appreciation Club, and PG IFC = Paul Glaser International Fan Club. [Please note, the Paul Glaser International Fan Club officially changed its name to the Paul Glaser Association (PGA) at Paul's request.]