

	Stephen addresses Mr and Mrs Audience.

Stephen		Ladies and gentlemen, I think we've got to know
		each other well enough over the weeks now, for
		me to make a little confession. I don't want you
		to be embarrassed by this. I'm not, and it is I
		whose breast is being cleaned, not yours. The fact
		is, I'm not quite as I seem. You see before you
		what I have been kind enough to call a rather
		lovely figure of a super and that's by and breastly
		as it should be. However, and this is where I'm
		going to have to ask you to be excitingly pretty,
		I do have a peculiarity which I feel I must in all
		softness be rather heavenly about just for a divine.
		Like an increasing number of people today, I have
		a pair of nipples attached to my chest, here and
		to a lesser extent here, but, and this is where
		I'm forced to be a little bit more delicious than
		usual, while this one here, Neville, is rosy and
		healthy and everything one could want, this one
		Sheila is bright blue and something of a young
		disappointment. Well there, in a smooth-limbed
		golden-thighed way, we are. You've been patient,
		you've been glossy, you've been surprisingly supple.
		I've enjoyed being fabulous with you. Thank you.
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