Sophisticated Song

Sophisticated Song

	Hugh strums a piano.

Hugh		I wear sophisticated clothes,
		I say sophisticated things,
		Everything about me,
		Say's I'm a sophistication king,
		But when I'm with you,
		I can't seem to find my cool,
		Yeah when I'm with you,
		I just sit there and drool,

		I got sophisticated hands,
		I got sophisticated feet,
		A sophisticated car,
		Parked on sophistication street,
		But when I'm with you,
		I can't seem to find my cool,
		Yeah when I'm with you,
		I'm just a dribblin' fool,

		And when you look at me,
		And you start to flirt,
		I have to wipe the dribble,
		Off the front of my shirt,
		And when you ask me,
		What's on my mind,
		All I can think to answer is ...

		I eat sophisticated food,
		I breathe sophisticated air,
		Use a sophisticated comb
		On my sophisticated hair,
		But when I'm with you,
		I can't seem to find my cool,
		Yes when I'm with you,
		I just fall off my ...

	Amazingly enough, Hugh falls off his stool.
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