As with most changes, some pages are still around and others are gone. For the most part, my site is in total overhaul at the moment lol
There are some pages I'm still not sure of what to put on them, but I guess that's what happens when you have as many links as I do. I hate empty space. That's just me though.
Anyway, have a look around... some link are up and others aren't. For the most part the site is a mess, but I'm working on it. This is part of my web design site. My little copy right is at the bottom so don't even think about trying to take any of my designs and stuff like that. If you want your own, just holler at me and I'll hook you up with something I guess.
Thanks for stopping by and stuff too. Make sure you sign my tag board or my guestbook (if I decide to even bring the guest book back... bloody waste of space).
PS: The guy in the picture is Sephiroth from the yet to be released in the US Final Fantasy 7 movie. For a computer generated guy though... he's pretty hot :-P