Impromptu Chat Group

If you can't get enough V or Jax and V by chatting once a week please join our Impromptu Chat Group. We are trying out a new AOL Instant Messanger Software which lets you chat with a group of people on the Internet. So basically whenever we feel like chatting we invite anyone on the list who is online to chat.

First, Follow these instructions to download the program you need, then email me to be added to all our buddy lists and to get your list or if you need help. Email Meg

Everyone must install the software whether they have AOL or not. The software version you need is 2.0


here is a new way to chat for AOL members and other ISP users, except webtv. This also works for MAC users.

If you already have AIM in an earlier version, you will need to download the new version to a different directory or it will reinstall the old version. AOL users also need to download and run the program along with AOL because the buddy chat in AOL will not work with the internet users.

1. go to

2. click on the red button that says: sign up now

3a. for other ISP users, register and then download, (if you are already registered for a previous version scroll down and follow the link to just download program) close all applications, then install by double clicking on the file that you just downloaded.

3b. for AOL members click the red button that says: here
1. register your name, it will be your AOL screename, and fill in your zip code
2. download the program according to your system
3. after the download, which takes about 12 minutes and is a little over 1 mb, close all applications.
4. install the program by double clicking on the file you just downloaded, this can be downloaded anywhere on your system.
5. you're all set, just fix your preferences and add your buddies!


Also, to use AIM for AOL members, you must sign on to AOL first, then launch the AIM program, the autoconnect doesn't seem to work. You must have this program running in order to use chat.

Everyone must have the latest version of AIM (2.0).