CFY Constitution
Organisational Chart
Current Officers, Profiles
1997 Programme
'97 Work/Study Camp

Member Countries:

Soon to be interactive map of the Caribbean

Contact Information:

Frenches Gate
PO Box 318
St. Vincent, WI

tel. 809-457-2124
fax. 809-456-2323

You are visitor number .

Mission Statement

     The Caribbean Federation of Youth (CFY) stands for the advancement of the interest of youth and seeks the active involvement and participation of youth in the process of progressive social change.

Affiliation/Consultation Relations

1.   Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)
2.   World Assembly of Youth (WAY)
3.   United Nations-Youth Unit, UNESCO, UNDCP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF
4.   Youth Forum of the European Union
5.   Caricom
6.   Commonwealth Youth Programme
7.   Caripeda
8.   Caribbean Development Bank


     CFY was established in 1986 to serve as a Caribbean-wide regional organisation to defend and promote the welfare of youth. CFY operates through direct support of the National Youth Councils who are responsible for implementing the programme at the national level.


     The programme of CFY comprises of a number of activities such as Conferences for youth leaders to address issues that affect the development of young people. These include Conferences on AIDS, Drugs, Women, Poverty and other critical social concerns.

     A publication of a newsletter includes information on programme and activities of youth organisations and Youth Councils, as well as highlighting feature articles on pertinent aspects of youth development.

     A regional workstudy camp brings together representatives from member organisations of National Youth Councils in the region for theoretical and practical sessions in leadership, regional integration, and social ills. An essential component of the camp is a community project which is decided in consultation with the residents of the community.

Co-ordination of regional youth programmes to encourage and support the formation of national youth structures in the countries of the Caribbean and to assist in the formulation of Regional Youth Policy.

     Implement the United Nations World Programme of Action for youth. Objectives

  • To unite all youth in the Caribbean regardless of race, sex, nationality, religion, ideology or language into a common body.
  • To act as a representative body for youth organisations in the Caribbean and to address problems faced by Caribbean youth at the sub-regional and international levels.
  • To co-ordinate the work of national youth organisations in the Caribbean and to assist them in the formulation of their policies, management practice and programmes.
  • To promote the active participation of youth in the economic, social, cultural and political life of the Caribbean.
  • To strengthen the integration process of Caribbean youth through networking, information sharing, and youth exchanges.


     The principal officers of CFY include: President, two Vice Presidents, one for each zone of the region, and a Secretary/Treasurer. The Executive co-ordinates the programme and appoints an Administrative Officer to manage the day-to-day operations of the Federation.


     Full membership of the Caribbean Federation of Youth is open to all national youth organisations in the Caribbean who promote the objectives of the organisation in the English, Spanish, French and Dutch speaking territories of the Caribbean.

     Current members:

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