South Florida Birding Connection 

The Checklist
Florida RBA

S. Florida RBA
Bird Finding FAQ

Don't Look Here! Maps to secret S.Florida birding locations!

Street Maps
Miami weather

Native Plants
environment and
WWW links

Field Guides
Audio Guides
Birding and Nature  Books

Check out the Calendar of South Florida Birding for an extensive listing of bird walks, hikes and outings for 2000!
A great way to plan your visit to South Florida!
   Enter a City or US Zip:  

Another great starting place for birding in South Florida is

 Tropical Audubon Society

TAS LogoTheir home on the internet contains articles from the current T.A.S. bulletin,
Trip and Program schedules (in season), and occasionally pix from past and future birding adventures!
See you on the trails !!

If you are planning a birding trip to  South Florida, dove image
check out the

 E-mail Directory
of Florida Birders

All of these nice people would be happy to correspond with you about birding in their local areas of Florida....

Experience virtual birding via these personal Trip Reports:

Back To Belize 1997, Belize 1995 and Texas 1993.

In Association with





...In Association with

All visitors to this page are welcome to sign the Birder Log, but I specifically invite Florida Birders to submit their e-mail addresses to be included in the Directory (as mentioned above). Please indicate in the "comments" section if you would like to be included.
