The Good Life
A place to meet for all my PALS from 'Swiss Chat' and all my other cyberfriends - I look forward to seeing you all in here once in a while - enjoy!
NEW! Below the chat, you will now also find a Message Board - feel free to use it to leave messages for myself or for each other!
Here are some commands you might want to use to "customize" the chat for yourself:
- To change background color, type:
*chat bgcolor black (or whatever color you like)
- To change font color, type:
*chat fgcolor green (or any other color)
- To change font, type:
*chat font courier (or any other font)
- To change font size, type:
*chat fontsize 14 or whatever number you prefer
- For an entire list of chat commands available, type:
Post/Read a Message on the Board:
Take me to the Message Board!
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