To My Humble Abode on the Web
Greetings!  If you decide to stick around, you'll soon learn more about me than you probably ever wanted to know.  I've had a few people ask, "Hey why the hell do you even have your own webpage?", and in not so many words, insinuated a bit of narcissism on my part.   Well, friends, there are three primary reasons why I've created this site and they are: 
1 . The internet is an excellent medium to keep in touch with my world-wide friends. They can always look up my site, view my photos, and remember the "good ol' days", and also see what's new in my life.
2 . Creating this site and working on it have been very  therapuetic for me.  You can compare it to writing in your own journal or diary.    I believe putting down your experiences  down on "paper" allows you fully reflect on them and truly grow.
3 . If you get anything from this site, I hope it will be at least a smidgen of inspiration to get off yer butts and travel.  And ladies -- I did most of my traveling alone; I didn't need anyone to hold my hand, and you don't either.
On pages that have any photos, be sure to hold your mouse over the thumbnail (mini-picture), and it's description will pop up.  Of course, you may also see the full version of the picture by clicking on the thumbnail.  I'd advise opening thumbnails in a new window, by right-clicking.

So, with no further ado, let the adventure begin!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!
1997 Bored to tears with the same routine back home in Northern California, I decided to drive all the way to Wyoming to work in Yellowstone National Park for the summer....
1998-1999 My backpacking trip was meant to last only 2 or 3 months in Northern Europe, but I ended up being abroad an entire year and found myself in the Middle East at the end!
1999 A short stint in the wild city of New York to visit my friend, Nicole, who was working as an underpaid nanny.  Boy, was she exploited!  What did I think of NY?  Click below.
Yellowstone New York
Europe Middle East
2000 I couldn't stay put  long, so I took a 2-week "vacation" to France and Spain, where I nearly froze to death and got a severe case of  agonizing food poisoning....
2000 In December, my friend Stephanie visited me from France.  We hopped in my car and had an awesome adventure through California, Nevada, and Utah.  Road trips are the coolest!
2001  I missed my Latin friends I'd originally met in Israel sooo much, so I headed south of the border where we remembered the good ol' days over mucho tequila and taquitos.
Mexico City
France & Spain California Nevada & Utah
2001 - 2002  (In progress!)  Join me as a I begin my one-year adventure in the city of Buenos Aires in Argentina.  I arrived in South America in mid-July 2001 and am currently studying at the snooty University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires for an entire year.  I must say it 's not what I initially expected.........
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Last Updated: November 10, 2001
Yellowstone '97        Europe '98        Middle East '99        France '00        South America  '02